I was trying to understand how pointers work in c when i came across this weird problem.

Now, I wanted to build a linked list. The first thing I did was adding the add function. Once the function add a node to the last node of the list(which it does successfully)

typedef struct linkedLists{
    int x;
    struct linkedLists *next;
    //int (*add)(int) = add;

void addF(linkedList *l, int y){
    linkedList adder = {.x=y};
    l->next = &adder;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    linkedList list = {.x=2,.next=NULL};


    // If you comment this line the result changes to what it's  


    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

If I run


I get 3, which is desired. However, if I run


I get: 2 Random number

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    `l->next = &adder;` overwrites the `->next` node each time with the same `linkedList adder` node which is declared local to `addF()` and ceases to exist when `addF()` returns. – David C. Rankin Mar 25 '19 at 00:21

2 Answers2


l->next is assigned a pointer value that will soon become invalid once addF() ends. Result: Undefined behavior.

void addF(linkedList *l, int y){
    linkedList adder = {.x=y};  // adder is local
    l->next = &adder;  

What makes more sense is to walk the linked list (assuming it has at least one node) and append a new node.

void addF_alt(linkedList *l, int y) {
  while (l->next) {
    l = l->next;
  l->next = malloc(sizeof *(l->next));
  if (l->next) {
    l = l->next;
    l->next = NULL;
    l->x = y;

What is more common is to do all node appending via a function.

TBD code
chux - Reinstate Monica
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In this function

void addF(linkedList *l, int y){
    linkedList adder = {.x=y};
    l->next = &adder;

You leak a pointer (&adder) to an object, which lifetime ends at return of the function. You have to either use the static keyword

static linkedList adder = {.x=y};

or allocate space dynamically with malloc() & co.

Howeber, list.x should always evaluate to 2 in both cases.

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    How would making it `static` help. There will only be one `static linkedList adder = {.x=y};` so future additions would overwrite `l->next` each time `addF()` is called. Your 2nd option would be fine. – David C. Rankin Mar 25 '19 at 00:25
  • @DavidC.Rankin `addF()` is only called once, so in the case of the program shown, it would help. If it is called more than once, then this option isn't viable of course. – Ctx Mar 25 '19 at 00:26
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    Yes, you are correct there. In the case the list is limited to a 2-node list, `static` will work for the 2nd node. – David C. Rankin Mar 25 '19 at 00:58