
I'm trying to add a handler to a tr that is generated in JQuery but it doesn't respond. Each row is meant to open a different view.

    function (element) {           
       $('#table').append("<tr id='" + element.id +"'</tr>").ready(
          function() {
            $("#" + class.id).on("click", function () {
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1 Answers1


Here's how I'd do it. Use on for dynamically binding and use a data attribute to hold the new target. Something like:

var someArray = [{id:1, target:"View.html"},{id:2, target:"OtherView.html"},{id:3, target:"SomeOtherView.html"}]

//Dynamically bind the click event
$("#table").on("click", "tr", function(){
  //Add your logic here

//Populate the table
someArray.forEach(function (element) {           
       $('#table').append(`<tr id='${element.id}' data-target='${element.target}'><td>${element.target}</td></tr>`);     
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="table"></table>

Some suggested reading:

Ideally I would have done the table updated with a document fragment to reduce the number of DOM updates, but I didn't want to change things too much.

Jon P
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