I am using delete in order to try to delete an item on an array;

const handleRowDeletion = index => {
    const inputsAdded = shareStructureInputs;
    const inputs = startupFourthStepForm.shares_estructure;

    delete inputs[index];
    delete inputsAdded[index];

I can see the first array inputsAdded getting deleted at the proper index but not the second one inputs.

This is what inputsAdded returns:


And inputs:

    "name": "Name 1",
    "percentage": 10
    "name": "Name 2",
    "percentage": 10
    "name": "Name 3",
    "percentage": 80

And I call the function on a map

                <Button onClick={() => handleRowDeletion(index)}>
                  - Delete Row
  • 8,409
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  • isn't `delete` only used for objects? you're not using `delete` on any object properties – jtylerm Jun 18 '19 at 15:23
  • Theres's a better duplicate which exactly answers your question, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/500606/deleting-array-elements-in-javascript-delete-vs-splice – Avin Kavish Jun 18 '19 at 15:24

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