I'm setting up a script, and I need to know If there is a specified value in my dictionary.

dict = {"1" : [1, 2, 3], "2" : [4, 5, 6]}

The fact is that I want to analyze all the lists from the dict values but I don't know how can I translate that.

How can I set a variable to True if 5 is in the dict?

Another topic where you can find a solution.

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  • Possible duplicate of [Get key by value in dictionary](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8023306/get-key-by-value-in-dictionary) – Cray Jun 24 '19 at 10:21

3 Answers3

for key, value in d.items():
    if 5 in value:
        print('5 in dict')
  • Use break to stop the loop after finding the value and to save time not iterating over the whole dict.

Use iteritems() instead of items() if you are using python2.

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Doing this on my phone at 2:30am because I can't sleep, so bear with me for any bad formatting.

if any(5 in x for x in mydict.values()):
    print("dict analyzed")

That's one of the slick Pythonic ways of doing it. At a high level, you need to loop through mydict.values(), which provides an iterable of the values of mydict (dict is made up of key-value pairs.) If one of them contains 5, then print "dict analyzed."

The any function that I used is syntactic sugar; mind you, the high level idea remains the same.

Hari Amoor
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Firstly, avoid assigning things to names of inbuilts like dict.

The following is specific to your use case:

mydict = {"1" : [1, 2, 3], "2" : [4, 5, 6]}
for key, vals in mydict.items():
    if 5 in vals:
        print('Dict analyzed')
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