
Can anyone tell me why this code will not delete messages from the messages property of this object?

var facebookProfile = {
  name: "Bill Smith",
  friends: 0,
  messages: ["msg"],
  postMessage: function(message) {
    message = "hello";
  deleteMessage: function(index) {
    index = 0;
  addFriend: function() {
    facebookProfile.friends = facebookProfile.friends + 1;
  removeFriend: function() {
    facebookProfile.friends = facebookProfile.friends - 1;
  • 26,331
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    Why are you always setting `index = 0;`? What's the use of the parameter then? – ASDFGerte Jan 05 '20 at 19:18
  • I could really set it to anything. It's an assignment for a course where the only requirement is that deleteMessage does exactly that. When I try this code, I get the message that it does not delete messages, but it doesn't say why. – user16864 Jan 05 '20 at 19:21
  • users here are very quick to say it has been answered, but if you look at my code, and read the comments, I have already tried splice. – user16864 Jan 05 '20 at 19:24
  • Add a `console.log(facebookProfile.messages)` before and after calling `deleteMessage` and then post your console output. – SILENT Jan 05 '20 at 19:34
  • Thank you, Silent! I actually went ahead and removed index=0 and it worked :) – user16864 Jan 05 '20 at 19:37

1 Answers1


above code should work and fix your problem. In splice function, number of elements to be deleted is zero by default and hence you have to mention that too