Is concurrency just a broader term and multithreading is one of types of concurrency ?

  • That duplicate should probably get you started. Add more dupes if you think it's missing info. – Kayaman Jul 02 '20 at 13:03
  • another possible dupe target specific to Java: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35100102/what-is-the-differene-between-concurrency-and-multithreading – Kaddath Jul 02 '20 at 13:04
  • [What is the differences between multithreading vs concurrent vs parallel vs asynchronous programming?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43764803/what-is-the-differences-between-multithreading-vs-concurrent-vs-parallel-vs-asyn) – jhamon Jul 02 '20 at 13:04

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