I want to use structs like objects in C.

Suppose I have the following:

typedef struct {
    /* ... */
    size_t *pages_len;
} book;

And I use the following method to construct it:

int book_init(/* some args... */, book * b) {
    /* do some validation */
    /* compute the number of pages n_pages */
    b->pages_len = (size_t*) calloc(n_pages, sizeof(size_t));
    /* compute pages_len based on some args */
    return 0;

Then I construct an object like this:

book *my_book = (book*)malloc(sizeof(my_book));
if (book_init(/* some args */, my_book) == 0) {
    /* do something */

And I destroy my object like: book_destroy(book *b) where I free(b->pages_len).

Is this correct or am I missing something? I can't show the original code but I am having trouble:

  1. Accessing b->pages_len after the init method.
  2. Destroying the object. I am having memory corruption.

As requested, a minimal reproducible example:

/* book.h */
#ifndef BOOK_HEADER_
#define BOOK_HEADER_
#include <ctype.h>

typedef struct
  size_t pages_count;
  size_t *pages_len;
} * book;

int book_create (book b);
#endif /* BOOK_HEADER_ */
/* book.c */
#include "book"

book_create (book b)
  b->pages_len = calloc (3, sizeof (b->pages_len));
  b->pages_len[2] = 20;
  return 0;
/* test.c */
#include "book.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  book my_book = (book)malloc (sizeof (book));
  int r = book_create (my_book);
  printf ("\n%lu\n", my_book->pages_len[2]);
  free (my_book->pages_len);
  free (my_book);

What I get from my memory leak detector is that free(my_book) gives a Memory corruption (written out of bounds?) error. One thing that fixed this error was changing the order of pages_count and pages_len but I don't know why.

I just typed the above example, so if there is any typo or syntactic error, please let me know. Thank you.

  • The `sizeof(b->pages_len)` in your `calloc` call smells dangerous. It will be the size of a pointer and, if pointers are smaller than `size_t` then you'll have issues. – Adrian Mole Jul 19 '20 at 17:35
  • Note that since `b->pages_len` is a pointer, `sizeof(b->pages_len)` is the size of that pointer. Perhaps you meant `sizeof(*b->pages_len)` to get the size of each element? – Some programmer dude Jul 19 '20 at 17:36
  • @Someprogrammerdude I guess that's safe as it's evaluated at compile-time; but it *looks* like de-referencing an uninitialized pointer. – Adrian Mole Jul 19 '20 at 17:38
  • That might be. To eliminate any smell and confusion I will replace it with sizeof(size_t). –  Jul 19 '20 at 17:38
  • I am still having trouble accessing book->pages_len after my init and am having memory corruption when freeing book->pages_len. –  Jul 19 '20 at 17:39
  • 1
    Even if it might be hard, please try to create a [mcve] to show us. At least show the important parts of the `book_init` and `book_destroy` functions, as well as how you use the structure and the `pages_len` member. And please elaborate on the "having trouble" part., What happens when you try to access the `pages_len` member? What is supposed to happen? Do you get build errors? Run-time errors or crashes? Unexpected results? Except for the build errors, have you tried using a debugger to catch the crash or step through the code to see what really happens? – Some programmer dude Jul 19 '20 at 17:56
  • And please take some time to refresh [the help pages](http://stackoverflow.com/help), take the SO [tour], read [ask], as well as [this question checklist](https://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2012/11/24/stack-overflow-question-checklist/). – Some programmer dude Jul 19 '20 at 17:56
  • Your `#include "book"` should be `book.h`, and you need `` in the two .c files and `` in `test.c` After that it compiles. – Nate Eldredge Jul 19 '20 at 19:47

1 Answers1


book my_book = malloc(sizeof(book)) is wrong. Note that the type of book is pointer to your struct, but you want to allocate enough space for the struct itself. So as the code stands, you will need to write malloc(sizeof(*my_book)).

However, using typedef to define a name for a pointer is usually bad style; it leads to confusion, and you will find it very awkward that your struct type doesn't have a name. A better way to write this would just be as

struct book
  size_t pages_count;
  size_t *pages_len;

struct book *my_book = malloc(sizeof(*my_book));

In this case malloc(sizeof(struct book)) would also work, but will become broken if you ever change the type of my_book.

It's often suggested that you not typedef away the struct, and just keep calling it struct book everywhere, because it's usually good to remember what kind of object you are working with. But if you must, you can still do typedef struct book book; afterwards. As mentioned, I would not recommend typedef struct book *book;.

Casting the result of malloc should never be necessary in C. You presumably included it because you got a warning about the return type of malloc, but the correct fix is to include the standard header <stdlib.h>. Indeed, this is precisely the reason why people usually recommend that you do not cast the result of malloc, because it can silence warnings that indicate a real bug. See Do I cast the result of malloc? for much more on this topic.

You also need <stdio.h> in test.c.

Also, create_book should return a value (but this is not the cause of your crash, since you never use it).

It is not surprising that rearranging the struct members made the bug appear to go away. What probably happened is something like this. On a typical 64-bit system, size_t and pointers are each 8 bytes. So you had allocated 8 bytes for your struct, when its size is actually 16. But you only actually wrote to the pages_len member. So if pages_len is the first member of the struct, and you never write to the pages_count member, you are only writing within the 8 bytes you allocated, and nothing goes wrong. Of course, the code was still broken, and as soon as you added any code that used the pages_count member, or added or rearranged any members of your struct, the bug would be back.

But in general, blindly changing things until a bug goes away is an extremely bad idea when programming in C. You may very easily do something that only masks the bug and makes it harder to find. There's no substitute for actually understanding what is happening.

Nate Eldredge
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  • Unfortunately ```sizeof(book)``` still gives the same error. I forgot to return something in the MRE thanks. The casting is because of compiler warnings. –  Jul 19 '20 at 19:51
  • Also do you why changing the order of the struct members avoid the error? –  Jul 19 '20 at 19:53
  • I've made all of your changes and I still get the same error. –  Jul 19 '20 at 20:09
  • @TertulianoMáximoAfonso: Please show your new code. There are several other changes you would have needed to make to adapt the rest of your code to the type definitions I suggested; I left those to you, but there could be a mistake somewhere. – Nate Eldredge Jul 19 '20 at 20:12
  • `malloc(sizeof(my_book))` is still wrong! I suggested two options and this is neither of them. Pay attention to the type of the thing you put inside `sizeof`: you have a pointer, not a `struct book`. Also you still do not have `` or `` included. – Nate Eldredge Jul 19 '20 at 20:24
  • @TertulianoMáximoAfonso: And `b->pages_len = calloc (3, sizeof (b->pages_len));` is also wrong for exactly the same reason: the type of `b->pages_len` is a pointer, not `size_t`. Make it `sizeof(*(b->pages_len))` or `sizeof(size_t)`. It will probably not fail as is because `size_t` and pointers usually have the same size, but it still isn't really correct. – Nate Eldredge Jul 19 '20 at 20:28