I am trying to make a variable increase every second. What should I include inside the function autoClicker, so that the variable clicks increase by 1 every second? Also, if there are any more problems in the code, could you point them out to me? Sorry if this question seems basic, I am still quite new to JavaScript.

// The variable we are trying to increase
var clicks = 0;
var upgrade1 = 1;

function getClicks() {
  clicks += upgrade1;
  document.getElementById("clicks").innerHTML = clicks;

function buyAutoClicker() {
  if (clicks >= 50) {
    clicks -= 50
  } else {
    alert = "Sorry, you don't have enough clicks to buy this";

// The function I will use to increase clicks
function autoClicker() {}
Mr. Polywhirl
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4 Answers4


You could create an AutoClicker class that has a start, pause, ad update function. It will be in charge of managing the setInterval id.

Edit: I updated it to include upgrade buttons and the target can now be manually clicked.

const upgrades = [{
  cost: 50,
  rate: 2
}, {
  cost: 100,
  rate: 4
const main = () => {
  const target = document.querySelector('.auto-clicker');
  const span = document.querySelector('.info > span');
  const btn = document.querySelector('.btn-toggle');
  const clicker = new AutoClicker(target, 1000, (clicks) => {
    span.textContent = clicks;

  initializeUpgrades(clicker, upgrades);

  btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
    e.target.textContent = clicker.isRunning() ? 'Start' : 'Pause';

const initializeUpgrades = (clicker, upgrades) => {
  const upgradeContainer = document.querySelector('.upgrades');

  upgrades.forEach(upgrade => {
    const btn = document.createElement('button');
    btn.textContent = upgrade.cost;
    btn.value = upgrade.rate;
    btn.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
      let cost = parseInt(e.target.textContent, 10);
      let value = parseInt(e.target.value, 10);
      if (clicker.clicks >= cost) {
        clicker.clicks -= cost;
        clicker.step = value
      } else {
        console.log(`Cannot afford the ${value} click upgrade, it costs ${cost} clicks`);

class AutoClicker {
  constructor(target, rate, callback) {
    if (typeof target === 'string') {
      target = document.querySelector(target);
    this.target = target;
    this.rate = rate;
    this.callback = callback;
  init() {
    this.step = 1;
    this.clicks = 0;
    this._loopId = null;
    this.target.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
  isRunning() {
    return this._loopId != null;
  toggle() {
    this.isRunning() ? this.pause() : this.start();
  update() {
    this.clicks += this.step;
    if (this.callback) {
  start() {
    this.update(); // Update immediately
    this._loopId = setInterval(() => this.update(), this.rate);
    return this;
  pause() {
    this._loopId = null;
    return this;

.wrapper {
  width: 10em;
  text-align: center;
  border: thin solid grey;
  padding: 0.5em;

.auto-clicker {
  width: 4em;
  height: 4em;
  background: #F00;
  border: none;
  border-radius: 2em;

.auto-clicker:focus {
  outline: none;

.auto-clicker:hover {
  background: #F44;
  cursor: pointer;

.info {
  margin: 1em 0;

.upgrades {
  display: inline-block;

.upgrades button {
  margin-right: 0.25em;
<div class="wrapper">
  <button class="auto-clicker"></button>
  <div class="info">Clicks: <span class="clicks"></span></div>
  <button class="btn-toggle">Pause</button>
  <div class="upgrades"></div>
Mr. Polywhirl
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// The variable we are trying to increase
var clicks = 0;
var upgrade1 = 1;

function getClicks() {
  clicks += upgrade1;
  document.getElementById("clicks").innerHTML = clicks;

function buyAutoClicker() {
  if (clicks >= 50) {
    clicks -= 50
  } else {
    alert = "Sorry, you don't have enough clicks to buy this";

// The function I will use to increase clicks
setInterval(function(){ clicks++;console.log(clicks); }, 1000);
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Use setInterval to run a function at a specified interval. This will run increaseClicks every 1000 milliseconds (every second):

function increaseClicks() {

var interval = setInterval(increaseClicks, 1000);

Use clearInterval to stop running it:


You can omit var interval = if you don't want to use clearInterval:

setInterval(increaseClicks, 1000);
Dull Bananas
  • 892
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There might be several things to improve this code

  • the use of textContent is preferable to innerHTML, it checks if there are no html tags in the text
  • then using inline functions like ()=>{} are more useful but in this program it does'nt make a difference, where you to use it in object oriented context you could use it several ways
  • you don't need document.getElementById, you could just use id. And finaly (this is just à random tip which has nothing to do with much of anything) you may consider branchless programming because ifs are expensive. Stackoverflow Branchless Programming Benefits

But anyways you should have fun :)

var clicks = 0;
var upgrade1 = 1;

function getClicks() {
  clk.textContent = (clicks += upgrade1);

function buyAutoClicker() {
  if (clicks >= 50) {
    clicks -= 50
  } else {
    alert("Sorry, you don't have enough clicks to buy this");

<p id="clk"></p>
<p id="b"></p>
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