after asking for the age the scanner stops asking for the users input for favorite dessert. i followed it like above myObj next line but it still stops. please help

package scanners; import java.util.Scanner;

public class usingscanners {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    Scanner myObj = new Scanner(System.in);
    String userName;
    String dessert;
    int age; 
    System.out.println("Hi What is your name? ");
     userName = myObj.nextLine();
    System.out.println ("How are you doing, " + userName + "?");
    System.out.println ("What is you age, " + userName + "?");
    age = myObj.nextInt();
    //System.out.println ("Hello, " + userName +  " you are " + age);
    System.out.println ("ok, " + userName + " .Your are " + age + "." + " What is your favorite dessert?"); 
    dessert = myObj.nextLine();
    System.out.println (" Hello, " + userName + " You are " + age + " and your favorite dessert is " + dessert);


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1 Answers1


Don't use nextLine, it interacts weirdly with all the other nextX() methods. Instead, change the scanner's delimiter. After making a scanner, invoke:


Then to get e.g. an int, call .nextInt(). And to get somebody's name, call .next() (and don't call .nextLine() for anything).

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