I get this output from the API:

  'Meta Data': {
    '1. Information': 'Daily Prices (open, high, low, close) and Volumes',
    '2. Symbol': 'ibm',
    '3. Last Refreshed': '2021-01-15',
    '4. Output Size': 'Compact',
    '5. Time Zone': 'US/Eastern'
  'Time Series (Daily)': {
    '2021-01-15': {
      '1. open': '128.2800',
      '2. high': '129.2400',
      '3. low': '127.6700',
      '4. close': '128.3900',
      '5. volume': '4905506'
    '2021-01-14': {
      '1. open': '128.0200',
      '2. high': '130.1600',
      '3. low': '127.5500',
      '4. close': '128.9700',
      '5. volume': '7503180'
    '2021-01-13': {
      '1. open': '129.1500',
      '2. high': '129.7500',
      '3. low': '126.4550',
      '4. close': '126.9200',
      '5. volume': '7677739'
    '2021-01-12': {
      '1. open': '129.0900',
      '2. high': '129.8500',
      '3. low': '127.9400',
      '4. close': '129.2100',
      '5. volume': '3729068'
    '2021-01-11': {
      '1. open': '127.9500',
      '2. high': '129.6750',
      '3. low': '127.6600',
      '4. close': '128.5800',
      '5. volume': '5602466'
    '2021-01-08': {
      '1. open': '128.5700',
      '2. high': '129.3200',
      '3. low': '126.9800',
      '4. close': '128.5300',
      '5. volume': '4676487'

and I need to extract data from the first object in Time Series (Daily), but I have to know the date like this: var price = data["Time Series (Daily)"]["2021-01-15"]["1. open"]; to get back 128.2800

It isn't an array so I can't do something like: var price = data["Time Series (Daily)"][1]["1. open"];

Does anyone how to do it?

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    `Object.keys(data["Time Series (Daily)"])` will return an array of those dates; sort them descending and use the first element. –  Jan 19 '21 at 17:34
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    @Endothermic_Dragon As per the question text, parsing JSON is not the issue here at all. –  Jan 19 '21 at 17:34
  • @ChrisG thank you very much. It solved my problem – Devmiki Jan 19 '21 at 17:40

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