I literally looked around for an hour, still found nothing. I tried mov ah, byte [rdx] but got a segfault. The reason I can't just enter the value directly into ah and have to use rdx is that rdx is a parameter in a procedure I need to write. Is there perhaps an opposite of movzx or something of the sort? I'm probably asking a really noobish question here, but I have literally looked everywhere and found nothing that helps.

Peter Cordes
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    Consider mov ah, dl – Hans Passant Feb 02 '21 at 17:06
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    If you want a byte other than the one in `dh` or `dl`, you have to use bit shifting instructions to extract the byte value. – ecm Feb 02 '21 at 17:07
  • @HansPassant if I use this procedure in a C program with dl as the third argument, will it know to use dl as the argument or will it try using rdx still? – mediocrevegetable1 Feb 02 '21 at 17:08
  • @ecm can you please explain how the bit-shifting would help me solve this problem? – mediocrevegetable1 Feb 02 '21 at 17:11
  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/integer-promotions-in-c/ – Hans Passant Feb 02 '21 at 17:12
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    @mediocrevegetable1 With bit shifting, you can shift the desired byte to the least significant byte of a register and then copy it to another register. – fuz Feb 02 '21 at 17:14
  • @HansPassant I am aware of integer promotion, but how would that work with procedure parameters? – mediocrevegetable1 Feb 02 '21 at 17:18
  • @fuz I haven't heard of the least significant byte before, I'll just look it up and get back to you. If by least sig. byte you mean leftmost byte, I assume it already will be there, as I think when you do `mov rdx, 0xff` it puts `0xff` at the leftmost byte. – mediocrevegetable1 Feb 02 '21 at 17:19
  • @mediocrevegetable1 Yes, this is the least significant byte, i.e. the one with the least place value. You can then do `mov ah, dl` as Hans Passant already recommendend. – fuz Feb 02 '21 at 17:28
  • @fuz Ah, so `dl` will access the least significant byte of `rdx` automatically? interesting. – mediocrevegetable1 Feb 02 '21 at 17:31
  • [UPDATE] I tried out using `dl` and indeed, it works. Major thanks to everyone who helped. I also understand what @HansPassant meant when he showed integer promotion now. – mediocrevegetable1 Feb 02 '21 at 17:39
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    @mediocrevegetable1 Yes, `dl` is the least significant byte of `rdx`. Please refer to the Intel Software Development Manuals on what registers an x86 processor has. – fuz Feb 02 '21 at 18:05
  • Will do, thanks for the advice. – mediocrevegetable1 Feb 02 '21 at 18:21

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