I read here that feof or more precisely using !feof in searching for a info in a file is a bad habit.

What I understood is that it's bad because it reads information from the FILE pointer before called function or process or something like that.

Wouldn't it be fine to have a do/while loop with fscanf inside and !feof as the exit condition?

This is a search function that I did:

typedef struct
    char lname[20] , fname[20];
    int nchildren;
void searchemployee(char *filename , char *str)
    employee e;
    FILE *f;
    int c;
    f = fopen(filename, "r");
    if (f == NULL)
        printf("file couldn't be loaded\n");
    else {
        c = 0;
        do {
            fscanf(f, "%s %s %d\n", e.fname, e.lname, &e.nchildren);
            if (strcmp(e.fname, str) == 0)
                c = 1;
        } while (c == 0 && !feof(f));
        if (c != 1)
            printf("employee not found\n");
            printf("employee : %s %s| children : %d\n", e.fname, e.lname, e.nchildren);
  • `fscanf(f,"%s %s` - what if the first `%s` works, but the second `%s` fails? – KamilCuk Jan 28 '23 at 17:34
  • Control the loop with `fscanf`. You should always check that it converted the required items anyway. Aside: remove the newline from the `fscanf` format string. See [What is the effect of trailing white space in a scanf() format string?](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19499060/what-is-the-effect-of-trailing-white-space-in-a-scanf-format-string) – Weather Vane Jan 28 '23 at 17:41
  • Just don't think of `feof` as being for asking, "Am I at end of file yet?" The way you determine whether you're done reading is that your reading function (`fgets`, `fscanf`, `fread`, whatever) returned an error code. *After* one of those functions returns an error code, if you want to know whether the "error" was due to hitting end-of-file, or for some other reason, you can use `feof` or `ferror` to determine that. – Steve Summit Jan 28 '23 at 18:51
  • 3 simple rules: 1. never use `feof()`, 2. do not use `do / while` loops, 3. always test `fscanf()` return value. 4. avoid using `fscanf()`. – chqrlie Jan 28 '23 at 18:51

2 Answers2


The return value of the function feof specifies whether a previous input operation has already encountered the end of the file. This function does not specify whether the next input will encounter the end of the file.

The problem with

    fscanf(f,"%s %s %d\n",e.fname,e.lname,&e.nchildren);
    if (strcmp(e.fname,str)==0)
}while(c==0 && !feof(f));

is that if fscanf fails and returns EOF due to encountering the end of the file, then it will write nothing to e.fname.

If this happens in the first iteration of the loop, then the content of e.fname will be indeterminate and the subsequent function call strcmp(e.fname,str) will invoke undefined behavior (i.e. your program may crash), unless e.fname happens to contain a terminating null character.

If this does not happen in the first iteration, but rather in a subsequent iteration of the loop, then the content of e.fname will contain the content of the previous loop iteration, so you will effectively be processing the last successful call of fscanf twice.

In this specific case, processing the last successful call of fscanf twice is harmless, except for being a slight waste of CPU and memory resources. However, in most other cases, processing the last input twice will result in the program not working as intended.

See the following question for further information:

Why is “while( !feof(file) )” always wrong?

If you change the loop to

for (;;) {
    fscanf(f,"%s %s %d\n",e.fname,e.lname,&e.nchildren);
    if ( c != 0 || feof(f) )
    if (strcmp(e.fname,str)==0)

so that the loop condition is checked in the middle of the loop, then the problem mentioned above will be gone.

However, it is generally better to check the return value of fscanf instead of calling feof, for example like this:

c = 0;

while ( c == 0 && fscanf(f,"%s %s %d\n",e.fname,e.lname,&e.nchildren) == 3 ) {
    if (strcmp(e.fname,str)==0)

Also, you don't need the flag variable c. I suggest that you incorporate the lines

if (c!=1)
    printf("emplyee not found\n");
    printf("employee : %s %s| children : %d\n",e.fname,e.lname,e.nchildren);

partially into the loop, like this:

void searchemployee( char *filename, char *str )
    employee e;
    FILE *f = NULL;

    //attempt to open file
    f = fopen( filename, "r" );
    if ( f == NULL )
        printf( "file couldn't be loaded\n" );
        goto cleanup;

    //process one employee record per loop iteration
    while ( fscanf( f, "%s %s %d\n", e.fname, e.lname, &e.nchildren ) == 3 )
        //check whether we found the target record
        if ( strcmp(e.fname,str) == 0 )
                "employee : %s %s| children : %d\n",
                e.fname, e.lname, e.nchildren
            goto cleanup;

    printf( "employee not found.\n");

    if ( f != NULL )

Another issue is that when using %s with scanf or fscanf, you should generally also add a width limit, to prevent a possible buffer overflow. For example, if e.fname has a size of 100 characters, you should use %99s to limit the number of bytes written to 99 plus the terminating null character.

Andreas Wenzel
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  • `fscanf(f, "%s"...)` cannot avoid undefined behavior on longer than expected input. – chqrlie Jan 28 '23 at 18:38
  • @chqrlie: Since OP is not showing us the definition of `employee`, we have no way of knowing the size of `e.fname` and `e.lname`, so I cannot add a width limit. – Andreas Wenzel Jan 28 '23 at 18:46
  • Indeed, but you could still mention this problem and for format string could be constructed this way: `snprintf(format, sizeof format, "%%%zus%%%zus%%d%%1[\n]", sizeof(e.fname) - 1, sizeof(e.lname) - 1)` but this would probably exceed the OP's skill level. – chqrlie Jan 28 '23 at 18:50
  • 1
    @chqrlie: I have now added a paragraph to my answer which mentions this issue. – Andreas Wenzel Jan 28 '23 at 19:01
  • 1
    @chqrlie Here's a heretical thought: In the grand scheme of things, it's actually fine to use `"%s"` without a size limit. You should only be using `scanf` and friends *at all* during the first few weeks of your C programming career. And during those first few weeks, you've arguably got other things to learn before you can even start thinking about buffer overflows. – Steve Summit Jan 28 '23 at 19:16
  • 3
    @SteveSummit: I don't disagree... First use `scanf` and friends, then learn why they are not your friends :) – chqrlie Jan 28 '23 at 19:22
  • @SteveSummit: *Wondering if there's some kind of 12-step program for unhealthy Stack Overflow addictions*... So do I: I visited S.O. 2648 days out of 2893 since registering, mostly on the [c] tag and it looks like many regulars have found a way to leave for good. – chqrlie Jan 28 '23 at 19:26
  • @chqrlie[(SO and) all the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely Players; They have their exits and their entrances,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_the_world%27s_a_stage). – chux - Reinstate Monica Jan 28 '23 at 20:14
  • @chqrlie i just added the structure to the code. suppose i didn't know the size of e.fname like if i used 'char* fname' in the struct how would i go about the preventing buffer overflow – ayoub hmani Jan 31 '23 at 19:12
  • @ayoubhmani: if the structure only has a pointer for `fname`, you must either have a separate variable with the size of the array it points to or it might be that `fname` is pointing to an allocated string that should be reallocated to change the contents. – chqrlie Jan 31 '23 at 19:19

Calling feof asks the question “Was end-of-file or an error encountered in a previous operation on this stream?”

If you use feof to answer that question, that is fine. But, you use feof to expect that your next operation will read data from the file, that is wrong. The previous operation might have ended just before the end of the file, so feof says “no,” but there is nothing left in the file to read.

The file/stream functions in the standard C library are designed to tell you when they failed because end-of-file was reached. You should use the return value (or other indication) provided by each function to test for a problem:

if (3 != fscanf(f, "%s %s %d\n", e.fname, e.lname, &e.nchildren))
    // Handle fact that fscanf did not read and convert 3 values.

int x = getchar();
if (x == EOF)
    // Handle fact that fscanf did not read and convert 3 values.

Note that calling fscanf and then feof will tell if fscanf encountered end-of-file or an input error, but it will not tell you whether fscanf read some input and assigned some values but then encountered end-of-file and did not finish. If you are reading only one thing, you might get away with fscanf followed by feof, but a more sophisticated program may need to distinguish partial inputs.

Eric Postpischil
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