Questions tagged [android-4.3-jelly-bean]

Android 4.3 (API Level 18) is an updated version of Jelly Bean. New features include improved multi-user profiles and Bluetooth low-energy support.

Google released Jelly Bean 4.3 under the slogan "An even sweeter Jelly Bean" on 24 July 2013 during an event in San Fransisco called "Breakfast with Sundar Pichai". The 2nd generation Nexus 7 tablet was the first device to officially ship with it

For developers, Android 4.3 includes the latest performance enhancements to keep your apps fast, smooth, and efficient, together with new APIs and capabilities to use in your apps.

More Info:

228 questions
5 answers

Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable

I am currently developing an application that will use Bluetooth Low Energy (testing on the Nexus 4). After getting started with the official BLE APIs in Android 4.3, I have noticed that after I connect a device for the first time I am rarely able…
16 answers

IOException: read failed, socket might closed - Bluetooth on Android 4.3

Currently I am trying to deal with a strange Exception when opening a BluetoothSocket on my Nexus 7 (2012), with Android 4.3 (Build JWR66Y, I guess the second 4.3 update). I have seen some related postings (e.g.…
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Chrome's remote debugging (USB debugging) not working for Samsung Galaxy S3 running android 4.3

Ever since I upgraded my Samsung Galaxy S3 to android 4.3 (from 4.1.2) I am unable to use Chrome's remote debugging for android (more details here). I have the developer options and USB debugging enabled on my phone, and this worked perfectly fine…
5 answers

How to connect Android device to an iOS device over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)

I'm trying to make an application which uses the new Bluetooth Low Energy API of Android. For this, I started with the BLE sample coming with API level 18. As I read that Android can not act as a Peripheral, I put the Android phone in central mode,…
10 answers

Android BLE API: GATT Notification not received

Device used for testing: Nexus 4, Android 4.3 Connection is working fine but the onCharacteristicChangedMethod of my callback is never called. However I am registering for notifications using setCharacteristicNotification(char, true) inside…
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6 answers

Communicating between iOS and Android with Bluetooth LE

I've got a working app using CoreBluetooth to communicate between an iPad (central) and iPhone (peripheral). I have one service that has two characteristics. I have a Nexus 7 running the latest Android 4.3 with BTLE support. Android is a bit late to…
3 answers

Android Bluetooth Low Energy Pairing

How to pair a Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE) device with Android to read encrypted data. Using the information in the Android BLE page, I am able to discover the device, connect to it, discover services and read un-encrypted characteristics. When I try…
11 answers

startLeScan with 128 bit UUIDs doesn't work on native Android BLE implementation

I am having trouble using startLeScan( new UUID[]{ MY_DESIRED_128_BIT_SERVICE_UUID }, callback ) on the new introduced BLE API of Android 4.3 on my Nexus 4. The callback just doesn't get called. I still can see incoming packages in the log: 08-02…
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run-as Package 'a.b.c' is unknown - Galaxy S4 Jellybean or Android 4.3

I cannot run run-as (or ndk-gdb) for the Galaxy S4 running Jellybean 4.2.2. ~ $ adb shell shell@android:/ $ run-as a.b.c ls run-as: Package 'a.b.c' is unknown There are multiple answers for this issue for pre-ICS devices, but those seem to have…
Paul Beusterien
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What happened to windowContentOverlay in Android API 18?

After upgrading my phone to Android 4.3 I noticed the shadow below the actionbar is not showing anymore. In my app I've got a custom shadow using windowContentOverlay: @drawable/shadows_bottom It's…
Romain Piel
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1 answer

Android 4.3 On-screen GPU profiling - long gfx waiting time

I have just updated a Galaxy Nexus to 4.3 and enabled the new On-screen GPU profiling function, and see the following result for Android setup screen: According to the platform highlights: [With] colors indicating time spent creating drawing…
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Working with BLE Android 4.3 how to write characteristics?

I am working on a BLE project (Android application) using Android 4.3 API, i have used sample BLE app it is only reading characteristics in DeviceControlActivity.activity, but i want to write characteristics and send it to BLE chip on clicking a…
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run-as says 'package is unknown' after upgrading Android to 4.3

I have a simple script that downloads database from phone to my PC it uses 'run-as', it worked well, but now, run-as says 'package is unknown' my application is installed on device, nothing changed, just Android was updated to 4.3 Do you have the…
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Android : app loading library at runtime on Lollipop but not IceCreamSandwich

I'm currently developping an Android app using Android Studio. Currently, the app is launching perfectly on Lollipop devices, but crashes at launch due to a ClassNotFoundException on pre-lollipop devices (i've tested on ICS and it fail). The missing…
5 answers

@font-face declarations don't work in Android 4.3 Internet browser?

My Samsung Galaxy S3 phone recently upgraded from Android 4.1.3 to Android 4.3. Now several websites I designed which I tested in the Android internet browser are not displaying fonts I have declared with @font-face. What do I need to do to fix…
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