Questions tagged [android-activity]

Questions about creating or managing Activities in Android. In Android Applications, an Activity is a Component that provides a user interface allowing the user to do something. Simple examples are: dial the phone, take a photo, send an email, or view a map.


In Android, an Activity is one of the several components that can make up an Android Application. What distinguishes an Activity from all other components is that it is the only component that can (and must) have a user interface. Since most applications are not valid without some way for the user to interact with the program, Activities are the most common components, as nearly every application has at least one, and some have many.

For security and user protection, there are many things that can only be done from an Activity.

Creating an Activity

The Activity class is a base class and must be extended for each and every Activity that you want to include. In order for an Activity to run, there is some amount of Java code required. This means that some level of Java expertise is also required. Once the code has been assembled, it is ready to be used by the system.

In order for an Activity to be called by the system (or any other app, including the home launcher), it must know that it exists. Each and every Activity must be declared in the AndroidManifest.xml by using an <activity>-tag.

The User Interface

In Android, the user interface of an Activity is called the Layout. The Layout is a hierarchy of extended Views that are rendered to the screen. Layouts may be created using either by using XML or Java code. Regardless of which method was used to create the Layout, it may always be modified by Java code.

  • Questions regarding layout should refer to .
  • Layout defined by android XML may also utilize the tag.

The Activity LifeCycle

Every Activity in Android is subject to a LifeCycle. The LifeCycle performs the job of notifying the Activity when certain events have occurred, allowing the program to respond to them accordingly, if needed. This happens from the point that an Activity is started (onCreate()) all the way until the Activity is killed (onDestroy()). The LifeCycle events make no distinction between user-initiated events or simulated events.

Due to the imposition of the LifeCycle on all Activities, it is very important to be aware which methods are called and when, as some of them can affect the stability of the application if not accounted for. Each has its own arguments for processing and many are repeated throughout the life of the Activity. The Android LifeCycle consists of the following methods (not necessarily in order): onCreate(), onStart(), onResume(), onConfigurationChanged(), onRestoreInstanceState(), onPause(), onSaveInstanceState(), onStop(), and onDestroy().

Android Activity lifecycle

Activities and Contexts

Contexts are used often in Android to attribute certain actions to a task. They also help by routing operations that may run outside the developer's code so that it is attributed to the correct instance of the Activity. While there are several kinds of Contexts, Activity is also a Context and most methods that require one will easily accept a reference to the Activity.

Further reading:

28992 questions
54 answers

How to stop EditText from gaining focus when an activity starts in Android?

I have an Activity in Android, with two elements: EditText ListView When my Activity starts, the EditText immediately has the input focus (flashing cursor). I don't want any control to have input focus at startup. I…
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35 answers

How can I save an activity state using the save instance state?

I've been working on the Android SDK platform, and it is a little unclear how to save an application's state. So given this minor re-tooling of the 'Hello, Android' example: package; import; import…
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53 answers

How do I pass data between Activities in Android application?

I have a scenario where, after logging in through a login page, there will be a sign-out button on each activity. On clicking sign-out, I will be passing the session id of the signed in user to sign-out. Can anyone guide me on how to keep session id…
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34 answers

Activity restart on rotation Android

In my Android application, when I rotate the device (slide out the keyboard) then my Activity is restarted (onCreate is called). Now, this is probably how it's supposed to be, but I do a lot of initial setting up in the onCreate method, so I need…
Isaac Waller
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14 answers

How to manage startActivityForResult on Android

In my activity, I'm calling a second activity from the main activity by startActivityForResult. In my second activity, there are some methods that finish this activity (maybe without a result), however, just one of them returns a result. For…
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24 answers

How do I create a transparent Activity on Android?

I want to create a transparent Activity on top of another activity. How can I achieve this?
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40 answers

onActivityResult is not being called in Fragment

The activity hosting this fragment has its onActivityResult called when the camera activity returns. My fragment starts an activity for a result with the intent sent for the camera to take a picture. The picture application loads fine, takes a…
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35 answers

How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents?

How can I pass an object of a custom type from one Activity to another using the putExtra() method of the class Intent?
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35 answers

How to pass an object from one activity to another on Android

I am trying to work on sending an object of my customer class from one Activity and displaying it in another Activity. The code for the customer class: public class Customer { private String firstName, lastName, address; int age; …
Adil Bhatty
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17 answers

Dilemma: when to use Fragments vs Activities:

I know that Activities are designed to represent a single screen of my application, while Fragments are designed to be reusable UI layouts with logic embedded inside of them. Until not long ago, I developed an application as it said that they should…
Emil Adz
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12 answers

Get root view from current activity

I know how to get the root view with View.getRootView(). I am also able to get the view from a button's onClick event where the argument is a View. But how can I get the view in an activity?
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28 answers

How to start new activity on button click

In an Android application, how do you start a new activity (GUI) when a button in another activity is clicked, and how do you pass data between these two activities?
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41 answers

Fullscreen Activity in Android?

How do I make an activity full screen? Without the notification bar.
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13 answers

Why fragments, and when to use fragments instead of activities?

In Android API 11+, Google has released a new class called Fragment. In the videos, Google suggests that whenever possible (link1, link2), we should use fragments instead of activities, but they didn't explain exactly why. What's the purpose of…
23 answers

Android: Go back to previous activity

I want to do something simple on android app. How is it possible to go back to a previous activity. What code do I need to go back to previous activity
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