Questions tagged [android-scripting]

33 questions
23 answers

Is there a way to run Python on Android?

We are working on an S60 version and this platform has a nice Python API.. However, there is nothing official about Python on Android, but since Jython exists, is there a way to let the snake and the robot work together??
Bite code
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4 answers

How can I get contact name with his/her number

I'm trying to develop a simple app using Android Scripting and Python. Now, I have a phone number, and I want to find out which contact has that number. I can do a contactsGet() and search for numbers, but so many programs uses that feature that, I…
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5 answers

Making an android Python service to run in suspend state

Here's my Python script written using android-scripting: import android, time droid = android.Android() interval = 1 # every 1 minute while True: # define your own vibrate pattern here droid.vibrate(200) time.sleep(0.3) …
Sridhar Ratnakumar
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2 answers

Writing python (or any other SL4A) in android

Can someone point me to a tutorial on using the android scripting enviornment? I've seen plenty of tutorials on how to write python code using the android API especially from But none of…
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1 answer

Can I port my existing python apps on ASE?

I learned that the Android Scripting Environment (ASE) supports python code. Can I take my existing python programs and run them on android? Apart from the GUI, what else will I need to adapt? How can I find the list of supported python libraries…
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1 answer

Android - Use WebView to evaluate a javascript string and return the value

Given that scripting is not natively supported in Android and wrapping libraries like javax.script.ScriptEngine into your app will make it too large, is it possible to send a javascript string to an invisible WebView and have it evaluate the…
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2 answers

installing python packages on android

I want to install a python package from source on android. Is this possible? I tried in the console to run the py install files, but distutils (.core, ccompiler) isn't being found. Is it possible to still install them?
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1 answer

Download scripts for Android Scripting Environment

Downloaded ASE from google code, and was looking through tutorials, and available scripts. I found a script I wanted to try, however copy pasting it is removing all whitespace (and this is a Python script...). Is there a simple way to download a…
Brett Allen
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1 answer

running python from an android app

I am trying to run a python script through an application I've written. I found some pages which say that this piece of code is doing it, but I can't figure it…
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1 answer

Install a APK and Launch App from Shell script

My Requirement is : App A will Run shell script( that is already in "system/bin" location and shell script will install App B that is stored in "sdcard/Download" location and will launch App B. So Before continuing further i want to…
Rishikesh pathak
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1 answer

Does Google still support SL4A for Android?

Does Google still support SL4A for Android. I have created an apk file for SL4A which is A6 using the old source code, could anyone kindly let me know if the source code for SL4A is available for the latest Android version(A16>).
5 answers

Run python Script in android application

I want to get list of installed software on remote computer.For that I want to use python script in my android application.Now,I have a python script which is getting the list of installed software on remote computer.But,I don't know how to make it…
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1 answer

How to get a Device Specific UID using Python in ASE on Android?

I am working on am Android Scripting Environment (ASE) script in Python to replicate an iPhone app. I need a device UID of some sort. My thoughts where a salted MD5 hash of the MAC address or device phone number, but I can't figure out how to access…
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1 answer

Using Android's `Timer.schedule` in Python

Could someone explain how to use the Timer.schedule - that is used for scheduling tasks - in Python? Note that Python's time.sleep will not work in Android.
Sridhar Ratnakumar
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0 answers

Inspect element for html loaded in android application

I am rendering an html file using webview in my Android application. I am also using some javascript functions to handle the contents. Is there any way to inspect the html content (like the inspect element in the browser ) Please help, Thanks in…
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