Questions tagged [breakpoints]

A breakpoint is a mechanism offered by a development environment that allows to interrupt and suspend the execution of a program for debugging purpose, in view of resuming the execution.

A breakpoint is a mechanism offered by a development environment that allows to interrupt and suspend the execution of a program for debugging purpose, in view of resuming the execution.

External reference:

2934 questions
111 answers

How do I remedy "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document." warning?

A C# desktop application (on the Visual Studio Express edition) worked, but then it didn't work 5 seconds later. I tried the following: Ensure debug configuration, debug flag, and full debug information are set on all assemblies. Delete all bin and…
Instance Hunter
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12 answers

How to set a JavaScript breakpoint from code in Chrome?

I want to force the Chrome debugger to break on a line via code, or else using some sort of comment tag such as something like console.break().
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42 answers

Eclipse - Unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes

I am getting this strange error in Eclipse while trying to set a breakpoint. Unable to insert breakpoint Absent Line Number Information I ticked the checkbox from Compiler options but no luck.
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12 answers

How to debug a single thread in Visual Studio?

I have a solution with some projects. There are several break-points in different projects. I want to trace the first thread hit one of these break-points and continue tracing that single thread despite of other threads entering the same…
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6 answers

Can I set a breakpoint on 'memory access' in GDB?

I am running an application through gdb and I want to set a breakpoint for any time a specific variable is accessed / changed. Is there a good method for doing this? I would also be interested in other ways to monitor a variable in C/C++ to see…
TJ Seabrooks
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7 answers

See all breakpoints in Visual Studio 2010+

Is there a window in Visual Studio 2010 and newer where I can see all the breakpoints that I have in my project or solution?
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13 answers

Break when a value changes using the Visual Studio debugger

Is there a way to place a watch on variable and only have Visual Studio break when that value changes? It would make it so much easier to find tricky state issues. Can this be done? Breakpoint conditions still need a breakpoint set, and I'd rather…
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11 answers

Visual Studio refuses to forget breakpoints?

Visual Studio remembers breakpoints from previous debugging sessions, which is awesome. However, when I'm debugging, and I clear one of these "old" breakpoints by clicking on it, it's only temporarily deleted. What I mean is the next time I debug,…
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14 answers

Xcode + remove all breakpoints

Is there any way to remove all the breakpoints in Xcode?
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6 answers

Breakpoints are crossed out, how can I make them valid?

i got a tricky one: I can't set valid breakpoints. Not in Tests, neither in my Java Classes. I searched Stackoverflow and google, but I couldn't find anybody with the same problem. I'm using STS(x86) and Maven. Edit: It may seem confusing but I…
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11 answers

Bootstrap 3 breakpoints and media queries

On the Bootstrap 3 media queries documentation it says: We use the following media queries in our Less files to create the key breakpoints in our grid system. Extra small devices (phones, less than 768px): No media query since this is the default…
24 answers

Breakpoint Failed to Bind - Visual Studio 2015

I just upgraded from Visual Studio 2013 to 2015 and now I am having trouble with breakpoints. It's a hit or a miss where break points will actually work and if I set one while debugging I get the error: The breakpoint failed to bind. Any help…
3 answers

Android Studio IDE: Break on Exception

It seems my Android Studio does not want to break on any exception by default. Enabling break on "Any Exception" starts breaking within actual JDE libraries. Is there any way to force it to break only on exceptions within my code only? Coming from…
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14 answers

How to set conditional breakpoints in Visual Studio?

Is there an easy way to set conditional breakpoints in Visual Studio? If I want to hit a breakpoint only when the value of a variable becomes something, how can I do it?
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11 answers

Getting GDB to save a list of breakpoints

OK, info break lists the breakpoints, but not in a format that would work well with reusing them using the --command as in this question. Does GDB have a method for dumping them into a file acceptable for input again? Sometimes in a debugging…
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