Questions tagged [cell]

A cell is an atomic element within a structure composed of columns and/or rows, such as a table or grid. For questions regarding cell arrays in MATLAB, the tag [cell-array] should be used.

Cell is a basic term that was introduced by spreadsheet programs like Excel, Lotus, etc.. It is also associated with tables in HTML and Word documents.

Cells can contain hard-coded values, computed values based on functions, visualizations based on computed values, or external objects.

For questions regarding cell arrays in MATLAB, the tag should be used.


5093 questions
24 answers

Set value for particular cell in pandas DataFrame using index

I have created a Pandas DataFrame df = DataFrame(index=['A','B','C'], columns=['x','y']) and have got this x y A NaN NaN B NaN NaN C NaN NaN Now, I would like to assign a value to particular cell, for example to row C and column x. I…
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14 answers

Find last used cell in Excel VBA

When I want to find the last used cell value, I use: Dim LastRow As Long LastRow = Range("E4:E48").End(xlDown).Row Debug.Print LastRow I'm getting the wrong output when I put a single element into a cell. But when I put more than one value into…
Mushahid Hussain
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14 answers

How to make HTML table cell editable?

I'd like to make some cells of html table editable, simply double click a cell, input some text and the changes can be sent to server. I don't want to use some toolkits like dojo data grid. Because it provides some other features. Would you provide…
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16 answers

CSS Cell Margin

In my HTML document, I have a table with two columns and multiple rows. How can I increase the space in between the first and second column with css? I've tried applying "margin-right: 10px;" to each of the cells on the left hand side, but to no…
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20 answers

Grouped UITableview remove outer separator line

I have a grouped UITableview which is created programatically. Also I have a cell with xib file populated in tableview programmatically as well. So far so good. But I want to only remove outer separator line. I used below code but this time removed…
serhat sezer
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1 answer

Convert cells(1,1) into "A1" and vice versa

I am working on an worksheet generator in Excel 2007. I have a certain layout I have to follow and I often have to format cells based on input. Since the generator is dynamic I have to calculate all kinds of ranges, merge cells, etc. How can I…
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12 answers

How do you specify table padding in CSS? ( table, not cell padding )

I have a table with a colored background and I need to specify the padding between the table and it's content, I.E. cells. The table tag doesn't seem to accept a padding value. Firebug shows the table and tbody's layout with padding 0 but doesn't…
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6 answers

How to access the real value of a cell using the openpyxl module for python

I am having real trouble with this, since the cell.value function returns the formula used for the cell, and I need to extract the result Excel provides after operating. Thank you. Ok, I think I ahve found a way around it; apparently to access…
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2 answers

Merge cells in org-mode tables

Is it possible to merge cells in Org-mode tables? Examples of horizontal merging would be something like that: | Header | Merged header | |--------+-------+-------| | Text1 | Text2 | Text3 | | Text4 | Text5 | Text6 | Example of vertical…
Mirzhan Irkegulov
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4 answers

using ipdb to debug python code in one cell (jupyter or Ipython)

I'm using jupyter (or Ipython) notebook with firefox, and want to debug some python code in the cell. I am using 'import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()' as kind of breakpoint, for example my cell has the following code: a=4 import ipdb;…
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1 answer

Excel cell from which a Function is called

How can I get the cell where my VBA Function is called from? In other words, what is the VBA equivalent for INDIRECT(ROW(), COLUMN()) ? I'm not looking for ActiveCell. What I want to do is have a simple function ThisRow_Col(rColumn As String) return…
Dan Dascalescu
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4 answers

How do I change a single value in a data.frame?

How can one change a single cell in a data.frame to something else? Basically I just want to rename that one cell, not all cells which matches it. I can´t use the edit() command because it will screw up my script since I'm using the data.frame on…
Per Månsson
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6 answers

Why is detailTextLabel not visible?

detailTextLabel is not visible (code below). Can you tell me why? // Customize the appearance of table view cells. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString…
Chatar Veer Suthar
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7 answers

Format HTML table cell so that Excel formats as text?

I am creating an HTML table that will be opened as a spreadsheet in Excel. What HTML tag or CSS style can I use to "tell" Excel to display the cell's contents as text?
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10 answers

UICollectionView cell subviews do not resize

In a CollectionView, some cells should have an additional subview or layer. The CollectionView can be told to resize it's cells, thus all content needs to resize appropriately. Currently, the cell is initialized from a nib containing a cell with…
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