Questions tagged [clang-ast-matchers]

67 questions
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Given two CXXRecordDecl for class A and B, is there an easy way to see if A is implicitly convertible to B?

The X: Trying to write an internal clang tidy tool that finds an expression that contains two types (A, B) and then throws if const A& is implicitly convertible to B? Given I can find two CXXRecordDecl for the classes, can I easily detect if A is…
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How to get the source text from line number using clang?

I am using clang matcher to obtain the result nodes. From the result nodes, I am able to get the line number, let us say 17. Now, I would like to get the entire source code in that line. Please help. Let me explain in detail. I have a clang matcher…
The Voyager
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clang-query: Examining name of template parameter of a function argument's type

I have a big project, and a slew of C++ class member functions of the form: Return CClass::MemberFunction( Arg1 arg1, //... std::weak_ptr listener) { //... } I'm trying to write a matcher that finds…
Eric Niebler
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fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found when using clang-llvm ASTMatcher

I am new to using ASTMatcher and following a code from a tutorial - Here, the tool clang-variables can be run using the following command: cd code/clang-variables docker run -it -v $PWD:/home clang…
1 answer

Clang AST Matcher's "AND" and "OR"

Is it possible to use or in function declarations? like: functionDecl(hasName("a") or hasName("b")) or we have to use addMatcher to add more matchers to get the same result?
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Clang AST Matchers: matching on nestedNamespaces

Given a class with a private member of a different namespace namespace Test { namespace Cfg { class ExampleApi { public: ExampleApi() = default; int someVar; }; }} class Example { public: Example() = default; private: …
0 answers

How do I find string literals containing a given substring with clang-query?

I am doing some automated refactoring and I want to understand if some name is used in strings. E.g. in the code below I want to find all string literals containing substring "hello", which will yield me the first string. int hello; const char* str…
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Getting file not found error using clang LibASTMatchers

I am experiencing an issue with CLang's libastmatchers while working with Postgres sources: it can't find include file. This error is reproduced only when CLangTool is created from two files. If it is created for a separate file, there is no error…
Vadim Volodin
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Writing AST matcher to find all case statements having no break statement

I want to find all the case statement having no break statement. I using clang-query to build my matcher. My matcher is failing in some of the test cases. I wrote simple matcher as match caseStmt(unless(has(breakStmt()))) it works with follwing…
sunil sarode
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Replace expression with macro using clang AST

I am looking to change the following code, with the help of the clang ast matcher. foo(NUM << DEV_SHIFT | DEVICE); to foo(ADDR(NUM, DEVICE)); with #define ADDR(a, b) (((a) << NUM_SHIFT) | (b)) I have the following AST-matcher that seems to…
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How do I construct a syntax-only match-finder tool?

I am building an ASTMatcher-based tool that I would like to run over my sources: int main(int argc, const char** argv) { CommonOptionsParser OptionsParser(argc, argv, MyToolCategory); ClangTool Tool(OptionsParser.getCompilations(), …
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How to find the clang::SourceRange of a deleted function?

I am working on a Clang AST generated from the following source code: struct has_deleted_function_member { void deleted_function1() = delete; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ col:33 }; void deleted_function2() = delete; //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^…
1 answer

How to find SourceLocation of the outer template parameter list of a class template member function definition?

I am working on a Clang AST generated from the following source code: template struct my_class { template void foo(U arg); }; template template void my_class::foo(W arg) { } int main() { return 0; } I…
Jared Hoberock
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How to see all UnresolvedLookupExpr node in Clang AST

I am looking into various scenarios where UnresolvedLookupExpr node occurs. I notice that the output of -ast-dump and clang-query don't match. Here is an example code in c++/9/bits/range_access.h. template inline constexpr…
1 answer

clang-tidy: Warn when a container holds a particular class

Using LLVM-15's clang-tidy linter, I'd like to enforce the use of a typedef. Instances of std::unordered_set used as a variable declaration, function return, or in a using/typedef, should instead be written…
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