Questions tagged [cosu]

48 questions
3 answers

Android: How to make device run only one app?

I have an customer project where I have to make single task android device. Customer isn't able to escape the application which my company have developed. Also customer isn't able to start any other application and our application is started when…
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Android PackageInstaller, re-open the app after it updates itself

I'm developing an app that runs as Device Owner, and I want to build an automatic updater inside it. To do it I use the PackageInstaller, as I have the privileges to use it due to my Device owner position. private void installPackage(InputStream…
2 answers

How does designing custom android DPC app relate to Android management API?

I'm new to android enterprise development world, and I have some misconception of how different pieces in the android enterprise ecosystem relate to one another. Let me explain. The solution that I'm trying to achieve is being able to lock the…
3 answers

How to implement single application mode (COSU) in Android?

Looking for solution to integrate COSU mode in Android.I have already gone through below links, Has anyone implemented it successfully?
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Android Kiosk mode not working when using Android Management API Policy

So I'm trying to get a single use, dedicated app + device to work in kiosk mode + auto launch. The app itself is built in Nativescript (with Angular), so not native Java, however this is still handled via an admin receiver etc as normal. When we use…
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Xamarin | Android | COSU Error

I am attempting to create a COSU device. It will be hardware sold by my company that runs a single application developed by us. I have looked through many tutorials in an attempt to set up a proof of concept for this. I currently have the…
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Is it possible to build a DPC without enroling with EMM Community?

Since the process of applying for EMM integration takes an unjustifiably big amount of time and the whole process is described as "incredibly painful" by those lucky ones that went through it, I want to know whether is it absolutely needed to become…
Sevastyan Savanyuk
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Device owner app update Itself silently

is it possible to update a device owner app by itself silently? My app is set to device owner, i want it to update itself silently. is it possible? the method i'm using is given below, private void install(Context context,String packageName,String…
Albin Baby
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Hide navigation bar?

I am on android 6. Looking for solutiong where I can hide and disable nav bar with soft keys(home, back, recent). On a google page (COSU IMPLEMENTATION) there is a picture comparing pinning and lock task modes, and on the right side we can see…
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How to stop "holding the back button" from escaping "Lock Task mode" on Android 7+

I'm attempting to use "Lock Task mode", as described on My goal is to have a single app running in a "kiosk mode", so that the user cannot leave the app. I'm using Google's "Test DPC" app from Google Play…
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Cosu app development through Android Management Api or device owner locktask

i have to implement single use application for my Enterprise's devices where there is only one major android app that itself can use 2-3 other apps like call, sms and google maps, other than that user must not be able to use or access other apps…
1 answer

Update Android app in COSU device

I am working of app support COSU app android. The app is working fine for me but I am not understand how user will update our app, because COSU app user can't access any other application even google play store. So now the question is that how user…
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Allow sound while UserManager.DISALLOW_ADJUST_VOLUME user permission is active

I'm building an application for a COSU device. I based my code on the following example provided by Google: In the LockedActivity there is the following piece of code: private void setDefaultCosuPolicies(boolean…
Kristof P.
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1 answer

Failing to create android management signup URL

I'm trying to access the new Android Management API for our organization but I run into problems accessing the API. Everything runs fine when accessing the API through the API explorer. To run this on our server, I have created a new project in the…
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2 answers

Is there possibility to hide back key icon from navigation bar in locktask/kiosk mode on Android?

I'm making Cosu application and it's running on locktask mode. I have found guides to make NavigationBar and ActionBar fully transparent and hidden but if user swipes from bottom or top of the screen it will show back button on bottom…
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