Questions tagged [fileprovider]

74 questions
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ClassNotFoundException for FileProvider on Samsung devices running Android 10

The issue only shows up on Samsung devices running Android 10, 100% in background according to Play Store crash reporting. We ship a library that our client integrates in their app, neither us or the client have managed to produce the crash in our…
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WARNING: [XmlResourcesTransformer] No mapping for: android/support/FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS

On gradle sync, it errors with: WARNING: [XmlResourcesTransformer] No mapping for: android/support/FILE_PROVIDER_PATHS
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How to add a File Provider to a MacOS Swift app?

On iOS, there is the File Provider API to create "virtual folders" (folders where the content is provided by an app). How could I do something similar on MacOS? If you wonder why I would want to do this, it's just that I'm trying to understand how…
Samuel Martineau
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Rendering dynamics views in Razor (chtml), How to add a FileProvider to razor in core 3.0?

I am migrating from asp-net core 2.2 to asp-net core 3.0, I was using this block to define my File Class Provider, as you know this is used to create dynamic razor views (dynamic cshtml), my problem is that segment does not work. I have implemented…
Fabio Andrés
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How to implement ‘Always Keep on This Device’ on macOS in File Provider?

I am implementing a File Provider on macOS. I see that OneDrive has an offline mode with ‘Always Keep on This Device’ and ‘Free up Space’ menus: On Windows, this functionality is provided by Pinned and Unpinned file attributes as well as…
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java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider

Caused by java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider from ProcessRecord{341eeb8 5431:xx.xxxx.xxxx/u0a289} (pid=5431, uid=10289) that is not exported from uid 10188 at…
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How to enable and debug a macOS file provider extension?

I am trying to build a barebone app with Xcode 12.5 Beta 3 on macOS Big Sur 11.2.2 with a file provider extension. I use the beta version of Xcode because previous versions do not provide a template for file provider extensions (example project on…
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How do I mount a cloud storage provider as a drive?

I am creating a custom cloud storage provider for Windows, based on this repo. I have removed the root node in the Windows file manager as described in this post. Now I need to mount it as a drive. How do I display my custom cloud storage provider…
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GetDirectoryContents method doesn't show files over 28MB

I'm currently trying to display files we've got in a directory. For this I'm using the IFileProvider / ContentRootFileProvider with it's method GetDirectoryContents(string path). It works like a charm on my local maschine with IIS in Visual Studio,…
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Cannot launch new FileProvider extension on macOS 10.15

I am trying to get the File Provider extension to work on macOS 10.15 Beta 7 (19A546d) with Xcode 11 Beta (11M392r) so far did not manage to get it to launch with a sample project. The documentation is very lacking and there must be something I…
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Android 10 - file provider - permission denial

I'm facing a weird issue trying to provide a file in Android 10. My code works fine in Android 9 and 11 but in Android 10 only works 50% of the times. There are no difference on the system status when it works and when it doesn't. The intent: …
Miguel Sesma
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Fileprovider does not get loaded when application is run from /Applications folder

I have developed a functional Application that uses the new NSFileProviderReplicatedExtension. Everything worked as expected until I started deployment and realized, that my application cannot add domain successfully while being run from…
Marcel Vyberal
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Error while opening file from removable SD-Card with FileProvider Android

My goal is to open pdf file from any memory. I use android emulator with device memory and also removable SD-Card. So pathes look like: /storage/emulated/0/hts221.pdf - device memory /storage/1317-231C/LPS22HB.pdf - removable SD-Card Using this code…
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Unable to sharing image file with other app using FileProvider

I have image list and I want to share image that selected.To do, I have used FileProvider. I'm running app on Android 10. Also I have tried without shareIntent(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM,uri), then app opening only share via dialogs.After not sharing…
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How to return link to file in ASP Net Core?

I do not know how to serve links to files in ASP Net Core.I have tried using the PhyisicalFileProvider class to no avail. What i want Given a folder root on the hard disk , on receiving a querystring like : /localFolder/test.txt i want the…
Bercovici Adrian
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