Questions tagged [firefox]

Mozilla Firefox is a free, open-source cross-platform web browser. Use this tag if your question is related to the inner workings of Firefox or if it relates to code that is not working on Firefox which does work in other browsers. Questions about Firefox add-on development should be tagged [firefox-addon]. If your question is about using Firefox for browsing (i.e. as an end user) you should ask your question on Super User instead.

Firefox is an open source, cross-platform web-browser created by Mozilla. It uses the open source rendering engine and the JavaScript engine.


Firefox implements many web standards, including (almost full ), , , , , (with extensions), (), , , , and (Animated PNG) images with transparency.

Platform availability

Firefox runs on various operating systems including , , , and , as well as on , and devices. Its source code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License.

There are various add-ons available for Firefox under various categories, such as web development, changing the appearance of Firefox and utilities such as download managers.


What questions should have this tag?

Use this tag if your question is related to:

  • Code that is not working on Firefox which does work in other browsers
  • The inner workings of Firefox

Questions concerning Firefox add-on development should be tagged .

If your question is about using Firefox for browsing (i.e. as an end user) rather than the development of code for Firefox, you should ask your question on Super User instead.

Related tags

38740 questions
42 answers

Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll

I want to be able to scroll through the whole page, but without the scrollbar being shown. In Google Chrome it's: ::-webkit-scrollbar { display: none; } But Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer don't seem to work like that. I also tried this…
Oussama el Bachiri
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19 answers

How to manually send HTTP POST requests from Firefox or Chrome browser

I want to test some URLs in a web application I'm working on. For that I would like to manually create HTTP POST requests (meaning I can add whatever parameters I like). Is there any functionality in Chrome and/or Firefox that I'm missing?
Pascal Klein
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31 answers

How can I tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport?

Is there an efficient way to tell if a DOM element (in an HTML document) is currently visible (appears in the viewport)? (The question refers to Firefox.)
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14 answers

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

Using conditional comments it is easy to target Internet Explorer with browser-specific CSS rules: Sometimes it is the Gecko engine (Firefox) that misbehaves. What would be best…
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6 answers

Difference between DOM parentNode and parentElement

Can somebody explain in simple terms, what is the difference between classical DOM parentNode and newly introduced in Firefox 9 parentElement
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38 answers

Selenium using Python - Geckodriver executable needs to be in PATH

I am going over Sweigart's Automate the Boring Stuff with Python text. I'm using IDLE and already installed the Selenium module and the Firefox browser. Whenever I tried to run the webdriver function, I get this: from selenium import…
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25 answers

How to remove Firefox's dotted outline on BUTTONS as well as links?

I can make Firefox not display the ugly dotted focus outlines on links with this: a:focus { outline: none; } But how can I do this for
Edward Tanguay
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6 answers

Is there a tag to turn off caching in all browsers?

I read that when you don't have access to the web server's headers you can turn off the cache using: But I also read that this doesn't work in some versions of IE. Are there any set of
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16 answers

Custom CSS Scrollbar for Firefox

I want to customize a scrollbar with CSS. I use this WebKit CSS code, which works well for Safari and Chrome: ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 15px; height: 15px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece { background-color:…
Dimitri Vorontzov
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22 answers

JavaScript console.log causes error: "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated..."

I have been adding logs to the console to check the status of different variables without using the Firefox debugger. However, in many places in which I add a console.log in my main.js file, I receive the following error instead of my lovely little…
Nathan Basanese
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17 answers

Why am I suddenly getting a "Blocked loading mixed active content" issue in Firefox?

This morning, upon upgrading my Firefox browser to the latest version (from 22 to 23), some of the key aspects of my back office (website) stopped working. Looking at the Firebug log, the following errors were being reported: Blocked loading mixed…
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15 answers

JavaScript open in a new window, not tab

I have a select box that calls when an item is selected. Firefox will open the page in a new tab by default. However, I would like the page to open in a new window, not a new tab. How can I accomplish this?
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9 answers

Get image data URL in JavaScript?

I have a regular HTML page with some images (just regular HTML tags). I'd like to get their content, base64 encoded preferably, without the need to redownload the image (ie. it's already loaded by the browser, so now I want the content). I'd…
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23 answers

jQuery $.ajax(), $.post sending "OPTIONS" as REQUEST_METHOD in Firefox

Having trouble with what I thought was a relatively simple jQuery plugin... The plugin should fetch data from a php script via ajax to add options to a , Firefox triggers an onchange event only if we drop the slider to a new position where Chrome and others triggers onchange events while the slider is dragged. How can I make it happen on dragging in…
Prasanth K C
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