Questions tagged [gwt]

GWT (formerly the Google Web Toolkit) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. Its goal is to enable productive development of high-performance web applications without requiring the developer to be an expert in browser quirks, XMLHttpRequest, and JavaScript. GWT is used by many products at Google, including the new versions of AdWords and Groups. It's open source and completely free (Apache 2.0 licensed).

GWT (formerly the Google Web Toolkit) is a development toolkit for building and optimizing complex browser-based applications. Its core feature is the Java to JavaScript compiler.

The official docs cover all the basics and advanced topics – it's a great place to start and you'll often come back to it when you want to expand your knowledge of the framework. The docs are sprinkled with example code, but if that's not enough for you, there are always the samples that come with the GWT bundle.

For more esoteric topics the GWT Google Group might be of help. Latest stable version of GWT is 2.8.2 (2017-10-19)

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20828 questions
10 answers

How do I speed up the gwt compiler?

We're starting to make heavier use of GWT in our projects, and the performance of the GWT compiler is becoming increasingly annoying. We're going to start altering our working practices to mitigate the problem, including a greater emphasis on the…
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1 answer

What is the meaning of double tilde (~~) in Java?

When browsing the source code of Guava, I came across the following piece of code (part of the implementation of hashCode for the inner class CartesianSet): int adjust = size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < axes.size(); i++) { adjust *= 31; …
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24 answers

Biggest GWT Pitfalls?

I'm at the beginning/middle of a project that we chose to implement using GWT. Has anyone encountered any major pitfalls in using GWT (and GWT-EXT) that were unable to be overcome? How about from a performance perspective? A couple things that we've…
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11 answers

Interface/enum listing standard mime-type constants

I am looking among the standard libraries (like apache commons, jax, jboss, javax) for an interface or enum that lists the values of all the standard mime-type (aka content-type). This interface should not be encumbered with too deep with other…
Blessed Geek
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11 answers

How do I pass a class as a parameter in Java?

Is there any way to pass class as a parameter in Java and fire some methods from that class? void main() { callClass(that.class) } void callClass(???? classObject) { classObject.somefunction // or new classObject() //something…
11 answers

Is a colon `:` safe for friendly-URL use?

We are designing a URL system that will specify application sections as words separated by slashes. Specifically, this is in GWT, so the relevant parts of the URL will be in the hash (which will be interpreted by a controller layer on the…
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27 answers

Best GWT widget library?

Question for all the GWT gurus out there - which is the best GWT widgets library out there? And why? List based on the answers: Default Sencha GXT Smart GWT Vaadin GWT-Bootstrap GwtBootstrap3 Rocket GWT (inactive) Tatami…
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3 answers

Send an Array with an HTTP Get

How can i send an Array with a HTTP Get request? I'm Using GWT client to send the request.
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6 answers

How to see if an object is an array without using reflection?

How can I see in Java if an Object is an array without using reflection? And how can I iterate through all items without using reflection? I use Google GWT so I am not allowed to use reflection :( I would love to implement the following methods…
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11 answers

How to print to the console in GWT

I am debugging a GWT application and I need to print some stuff to the console for testing purposes. System.out.println and GWT.log don't work. Does anyone have any ideas?
8 answers

When should I use RequestFactory vs GWT-RPC?

I am trying to figure out if I should migrate my gwt-rpc calls to the new GWT2.1 RequestFactory cals. Google documentation vaguely mentions that RequestFactory is a better client-server communication method for "data-oriented services" What I can…
Daghan ---
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5 answers

Regular Expressions and GWT

My questions is: Is there a good solution to use regular expression in GWT? I'm not satisfied with the use of String.split(regex) for example. GWT translates the Code to JS and then uses the regex as a JS regex. But I cannot use something like the…
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14 answers

Why should I use jQuery instead of GWT?

I need to decide between jQuery and GWT for my new project. I haven't programmed in JavaScript for a while, and I was looking into GWT for the last few days. It looks pretty awesome, generating all the different JS for different browsers and all,…
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16 answers

I want to vertical-align text in select box

I want to vertically align the text in select box. I tried using select{ verticle-align:middle; } however it does not work in any browsers. Chrome seems to align the text in select box to the center as a default. FF aligns it to the top and IE…
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9 answers

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/client/HttpClient

I am trying to make a get request from the GWT servlet to get JSON response from a web service. Following is the code in my servlet : public String getQueData() throws IllegalArgumentException { String message = null; try { …
Saurabh Saxena
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