Questions tagged [head]

DO NOT USE as this is an ambigous tag. It might refer to HTML

element, UNIX command, HTTP HEAD method. Instead use [html] for questions about html, [http-head] for questions about the HTTP HEAD method, [unix-head] for question about the UNIX head command.

The <head> element is a container for all the head elements.

The element must include a title for the document, and can include scripts, styles, meta information, and more.

The following elements can go inside the element:

<title> (this element is required in the head section)

head is also a unix command which displays the first lines of a file. It's counterpart which displays the last lines is tail ().

Example: head -n 10 file will output first 10 lines of file.


807 questions
2 answers

How do I use 'git reset --hard HEAD' to revert to a previous commit?

I know that Git tracks changes I make to my application, and holds on to them until I commit the changes. To revert to a previous commit, I used: $ git reset --hard HEAD HEAD is now at 820f417 micro How do I then revert the files on my hard drive…
Brian McDonough
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10 answers

Get first row value of a given column

This seems like a ridiculously easy question... but I'm not seeing the easy answer I was expecting. So, how do I get the value at an nth row of a given column in Pandas? (I am particularly interested in the first row, but would be interested in a…
Ahmed Haque
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6 answers

What is the HEAD in git?

There seems to be a difference between the last commit, the HEAD and the state of the file I can see in my directory. What is HEAD, what can I do with it and what mistake should I avoid?
Bite code
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1 answer

Get first element of Series without knowing the index

Is there any way to access the first element of a Series without knowing its index? Let's say I have the following Series: import pandas as pd key='MCS096' SUBJECTS = pd.DataFrame( { "ID": pd.Series([146], index=[145]), "study":…
Hello lad
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5 answers

Head and tail in one line

Is there a pythonic way to unpack a list in the first element and the "tail" in a single command? For example: >> head, tail = **some_magic applied to** [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55] >> head 1 >>> tail [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]
Giacomo d'Antonio
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7 answers

Delete all local changesets and revert to tree

I'm using Mercurial and I've got into a terrible mess locally, with three heads. I can't push, and I just want to delete all my local changes and commits and start again with totally clean code and a clean history. In other words, I want to end up…
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6 answers

Is header('Content-Type:text/plain'); necessary at all?

I didn't see any difference with or without this head information yet.
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3 answers

how to get content of the current page with jquery or JS

how to get content of the current page
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3 answers

inject a javascript function into an Iframe

This link (archived version) describes how to inject code from a script into an iframe: function injectJS() { var iFrameHead = window.frames["myiframe"].document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var myscript = document.createElement('script'); …
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7 answers

HTML & CSS - put tag outside of the

Is it ok to put the to a css file out of the tag, for example in the footer side? Which are bad and good results of this? I ask this, cause actually i have a css file which doesn't styles anything but brings just some css3 animations…
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3 answers

HEAD with WebClient?

I am going to assume the answer is no but.... Is there a way to use WebClient to send the HEAD method and return the headers as a string or something similar?
3 answers

Make git master HEAD point to current HEAD of branch

I have to admit that I haven't played with gits advanced features but on my current project I had to. The situation: Someone tried to implement some features and comitted them to the master, now I was called to do what this other person tried to do…
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9 answers

python pandas select both head and tail

For a DataFrame in Pandas, how can I select both the first 5 values and last 5 values? For example In [11]: df Out[11]: A B C 2012-11-29 0 0 0 2012-11-30 1 1 1 2012-12-01 2 2 2 2012-12-02 3 3 3 2012-12-03 4 4 4 2012-12-04 …
fu xue
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3 answers

Getting HEAD content with Python Requests

I'm trying to parse the result of a HEAD request done using the Python Requests library, but can't seem to access the response content. According to the docs, I should be able to access the content from requests.Response.text. This works fine for me…
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4 answers

Making HTTP HEAD request with urllib2 from Python 2

I'm trying to do a HEAD request of a page using Python 2. I am trying import misc_urllib2 ..... opender = urllib2.build_opener([misc_urllib2.MyHTTPRedirectHandler(), misc_urllib2.HeadRequest()]) with containing class…
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