Questions tagged [jquery-ui]

jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.

jQuery UI is a jQuery library that provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects and high-level, theme-able widgets, built on top of the JavaScript Library. You can use it to build highly interactive web applications.

Latest stable version:


Best Practices and Commonly Made Mistakes:

  • Remember to include the jQuery file reference before the jQuery-UI file.

Stack Snippet Starter Pack

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"/>

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

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39788 questions
25 answers

How to remove close button on the jQuery UI dialog?

How do I remove the close button (the X in the top-right corner) on a dialog box created by jQuery UI?
Robert MacLean
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3 answers

check / uncheck checkbox using jquery?

I have some input text fields in my page and am displaying their values using JavaScript. I am using .set("value","") function to edit the value, add an extra checkbox field, and to pass a value. Here I want to check that if value == 1, then this…
Irfan Ahmed
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8 answers

Can I make a

I've got a form, with 2 buttons I use jQuery UI's button on them too, simply like this $('button').button(); However, the first button also submits the…
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18 answers

Find out whether radio button is checked with JQuery?

I can set a radio button to checked fine, but what I want to do is setup a sort of 'listener' that activates when a certain radio button is checked. Take, for example the following code: $("#element").click(function() { …
Keith Donegan
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20 answers

How to change the text of a button in jQuery?

How do you change the text value of a button in jQuery? Currently, my button has 'Add' as its text value, and upon being clicked I want it to change to 'Save'. I have tried this method below, but so far without…
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11 answers

How to use radio on change event?

I have two radio button on change event i want change button How it is possible? My Code Allot
Ashish Mehta
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29 answers

jQuery UI DatePicker - Change Date Format

I am using the UI DatePicker from jQuery UI as the stand alone picker. I have this code:
And the following JS: $('#datepicker').datepicker(); When I try to return the value with this code: var date =…
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7 answers

Downloading jQuery UI CSS from Google's CDN

I am planning on using Google to download the jQuery lib for both UI and Core. My question is, do they allow me to download the CSS for it or should I have to host it myself? Also if I use Google to load how should I load other plugins? Can I…
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17 answers

Slide right to left?

How can I have a div go from collapsed to expanded (and vice versa), but do so from right to left? Most everything I see out there is always left to right.
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31 answers

jQuery UI DatePicker to show month year only

I am using jQuery date picker to display the calendar all over my app. I want to know if I can use it to display the month and year (May 2010) and not the calendar?
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13 answers

jQuery Event : Detect changes to the html/text of a div

I have a div which has its content changing all the time , be it ajax requests, jquery functions, blur etc etc. Is there a way I can detect any changes on my div at any point in time ? I dont want to use any intervals or default value…
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7 answers

jQuery UI: Datepicker set year range dropdown to 100 years

Using the Datepicker the year drop down by default shows only 10 years. The user has to click the last year in order to get more years added. How can we set the initial range to be 100 years so that the user will see a large list by default? …
Ian Vink
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16 answers

MVC4 StyleBundle not resolving images

My question is similar to this: ASP.NET MVC 4 Minification & Background Images Except that I want to stick with MVC's own bundling if I can. I'm having a brain crash trying to figure out what the correct pattern is for specifying style bundles…
Tom W Hall
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17 answers

jQuery UI Dialog with ASP.NET button postback

I have a jQuery UI Dialog working great on my ASP.NET page: jQuery(function() { jQuery("#dialog").dialog({ draggable: true, resizable: true, show: 'Transfer', hide: 'Transfer', width: 320, …
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23 answers

jquery UI dialog: how to initialize without a title bar?

Is it possible to open a jQuery UI Dialog without a title bar?
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