Questions tagged [kml]

Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML standard used for expressing geographic annotation and visualisations. The KML file format is used to display and annotate geographic data in Google Earth and other applications.


KML (Keyhole Markup Language) is an based language for expressing geographic annotation and visualization on web-based online and mobile maps (2d) and earth browsers (3d). It originated as the save format for , but is now an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standard.

In practice most data in kml form is actually stored in a kmz file, which is simply kml data compressed in the format.

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2655 questions
4 answers

How to draw a path on a map using kml file?

Can I parse kml file in order to display paths or points in Android? Please could you help me with that? This is kml sample code which I would like to display in android google map:
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16 answers

Android - How to download a file from a webserver

In my app I am downloading a kml file from a webserver. I have set the permission for external storage and internet in my android manifest file. I am new to Android, your help is greatly appreciated. package…
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7 answers

Best way to overlay an ESRI shapefile on google maps?

What is the best way to overlay a shapefile in Google Maps? After some reading suggests that, converting shapefile into KML and overlaying KML in Google map is an option. If that is the case, how do I convert a shapefile into KMLs? I believe there…
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Loading a local .kml file using google maps?

I created a hello world program to load a local kml file (borrowed from google's docs): var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer("http://localhost:8080/kml/cta.kml"); This does not work (nothing gets loaded). However, when I change that line to: …
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1 answer

Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore?

Possible Duplicate: Google Maps output=kml broken? I started to get Error when I'm trying to retrieve Google Directions using KML data since few days. The Error seems that the URL I'm requesting doesn't retreieve KML data anymore, it returns a…
Hesham Saeed
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8 answers

How to display a moving boat in Google Earth?

I am new to the KML format and try to figure out how to display a boat (a png), moving from a place to another along a path (a simple line drawn composed of several lines). I can see how to display a Placemark, even with an icon, and a Path,…
Bite code
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1 answer

Google Maps zoom gets overridden, when using a kml file

How do I specify zoom level for google maps in a kml file or why is it that my zoom level gets over ridden when I load this file. My question is actually how do I control zoom of a map for the following…
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4 answers

Open local KML File in Google Maps on Android

I have loaded a KML file onto an Android device. What's the easiest mechanism for loading an overlay of that KML file into Google Maps? I do not want to upload the KML file to the web but would rather open it locally.
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1 answer

Which Java libraries can be used to generate KML?

I am looking for Java libraries to produce data in KML format.
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1 answer

How do I generate a KML file in ASP.NET?

How do I generate and return a KML document directly to the browser without writing a temporary file to the server or relying on a 3rd party library or class?
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4 answers

How to create a KML file using R

I have written a R script to get some map point data (Latitude and Longitude values). I am able to plot them in R and visualize them. But now I want to generate a KML file from this data and view using Google Earth. So that I can share it with…
Vijay Barve
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7 answers

Google Maps output=kml broken?

All I was using the google maps KML output in my iPhone app. If I type the following on my browser, it used to give an option to save the kml…
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2 answers

Google Maps API and KML File LocalHost Development Options

The Google Maps JavaScript version 3 API library documentation clearly explains: The Google Maps API supports the KML and GeoRSS data formats for displaying geographic information. These data formats are displayed on a map using a KmlLayer…
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5 answers

Which data source is preferable for Google Maps, KML or JSON?

I totally see the benefits of JSON, pull over a lightweight array of data to stuff into my Google Maps (and template through to show a list of the points as well). I've heard a lot of talk about KML. Which is the preferable way to pull points into…
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2 answers

Using KMZ Files in Google Maps

Is there any way I can use a KMZ file in Google Maps? My KML file is around 10.7MB so it doesn't load on Google Maps. KMZ file is around 2MB. The only way I see it is to have multiple KML but it's too much work. I might end up doing that, but was…
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