Questions tagged [kohana]

HMVC PHP5 framework that provides a set of components for building web applications. Be sure to mention specific version when asking.

Due to the differences in the codebase between and , as well as each minor version, please be specific in detailing which version of Kohana you are using when asking your question.

Kohana is an elegant framework that provides a rich set of components for building web applications.

It requires very little configuration, fully supports and , and provides many of the tools that a developer needs within a highly flexible system. The integrated class auto-loading, cascading filesystem, highly consistent , and easy integration with vendor libraries make it viable for any project, large or small. The support of has been started with

Popular Questions


See also

2221 questions
5 answers

What is the HMVC pattern?

Reading Kohana's documentation, I found out that the main difference in 3.0 version is that it follows the HMVC pattern instead of MVC as version 2.x does. The page about this in Kohana's docs and the one on wikipedia didn't really give me a clear…
Matteo Riva
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6 answers

Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability

A site I built with Kohana was slammed with an enormous amount of traffic yesterday, causing me to take a step back and evaluate some of the design. I'm curious what are some standard techniques for optimizing Kohana-based applications? I'm…
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12 answers

Favourite Kohana Tips & Features?

Inspired from the other community wikis, I'm interested in hearing about the lesser known Kohana tips, tricks and features. Please, include only one tip per answer. Add Kohana versions if necessary. This is a community wiki.
The Pixel Developer
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10 answers

Searching for a Kohana Beginner's Tutorial for PHP

I am going to try to build a PHP website using a framework for the first time, and after some research here and there, I've decided to try to use Kohana I downloaded the source from their website, and ran the downloaded stuff on my web server, and…
Andreas Grech
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6 answers

Why use a templating engine with a framework?

I recently discovered the PHP framework Kohana (which is awesome) and was reading a thread about using it in conjunction with a templating engine such as Smarty or Twig. My question is why bother? Surely an MVC framework, by definition, is a…
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3 answers

preventing csrf in php

Requiring authentication in GET and POST parameters, not only cookies; Checking the HTTP Referer header; saw this post on wikipedia and was wondering how I can apply them ok...I am using the Kohana PHP framework and I have the facility to…
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2 answers

How is Kohana different from CodeIgniter?

I've been using CodeIgniter for a long time, however lately I've been feeling the need to move to a more advanced/more OOP framework. Kohana seems to be an often recommended option, my question is, how exactly is Kohana different from CodeIgniter? A…
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7 answers

Independent getter/setter methods, or combined?

While working on a project, I've been making some changes and browsing around existing framework API docs for insight. While perusing the Kohana docs, I noticed that the getters/setters of any given class are typically combined: public function…
Dan Lugg
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4 answers

Best library for PHP Sessions

I have been using the CodeIgniter system for a while now - but it has it's short comings. I am grateful for what it taught me, but now I need a library for a new non-codeigniter project and so I am looking around for ideas on which libraries have…
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3 answers

Kohana 3 get current controller/action/arguments

In Kohana 2 you could easily get that information like this: echo router::$controller; echo router::$method; echo router::$arguments[0-x]; Any idea how that works in Kohana 3? Thanks in advance!
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2 answers

Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_POST - assumed 'CURLOPT_POST'

I am making a cURL request via Kohana 3.2 but I get the following error when it tries to access CURLOPT_POST constant: Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_POST - assumed 'CURLOPT_POST' From Kohana 3.2…
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3 answers

Kohana 3.2 ORM and PDO

I am giving Kohana a try and I was trying to use the ORM + PDO + MySQL database, and I don't seem to find an answer in google or SO. I have both the database and ORM modules enabled, and I have set PDO as default in…
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1 answer

Using Interfaces in Kohana 3.1.3

I'm trying to build a form wizard in Kohana and am learning a bit as I go. One of the things that I've learn might work best is utilizing a state pattern in my class structure to manage the different steps a user can be in during the form…
Dave Kiss
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5 answers

"WHERE column IS NOT NULL" with Kohana v3 Query Builder

Is it possible with Kohana v3 Query Builder to use the IS NOT NULL operator? The where($column, $op, $value) method requires all three parameters and even if I specify ->where('col', 'IS NOT NULL', '') it builds and invalid query eg. SELECT * FROM…
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2 answers

How do I write log messages in Kohana 3.2?

Ok I've tried searching all over but can't seem to get just a simple straight forward answer. I want to write log messages (INFO, ERROR, etc.) to the Kohana log file /application/logs/YYYY/MM/DD.php. How do I do it?
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