Questions tagged [pull-request]

Pull requests are made when a developer forks a project, makes changes, and then wants those changes to be included in the main project again. These were made popular by Github and Bitbucket.

2166 questions
18 answers

Why is a git 'pull request' not called a 'push request'?

The terminology used to merge a branch with an official repository is a 'pull request'. This is confusing, as it appears that I am requesting to push my changes to the official repository. Why is it called a pull request and not a push request?
Alejandro Sanz Díaz
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8 answers

How to apply unmerged upstream pull requests from other forks into my fork?

A project on GitHub that I have a fork of has a new pull requests that I want to pull into my fork that the author has not pulled in yet. Is there a simple way to apply pull request from other forks into my fork? Is there something else here that I…
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21 answers

How can I check out a GitHub pull request with git?

I'd like to check out a previously created pull request (created via GitHub web interface). I searched and found different places where a refs/pull or refs/pull/pr But when I add fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to the git config…
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10 answers

How do you attach a new pull request to an existing issue on github?

I'm not sure, but I have a vague memory of creating a github pull request with "Issue 4" or something in the title, and it automatically attached itself to Issue 4 in the project that I was submitting it to. I tried it again recently and it didn't…
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20 answers

GitHub pull request showing commits that are already in target branch

I'm trying to review a pull request on GitHub to a branch that isn't master. The target branch was behind master and the pull request showed commits from master, so I merged master and pushed it to GitHub, but the commits and diff for them still…
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11 answers

Can you issue pull requests from the command line on GitHub?

It seems like you have to interact with to initiate a pull request. Is this so?
Andrew Johnson
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2 answers

Preferred Github workflow for updating a pull request after code review

I've submitted a change to an Open Source project on Github, and received code review comments from one of the core team members. I would like to update the code taking into account the review comments, and re-submit it. What is the best workflow…
Orion Edwards
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4 answers

Delete a closed pull request from GitHub

I accidentally made a wrong pull request and ended up closing the request myself. It's in a closed state right now but it's accessible via direct URL and showing on my activity bar. Is there any way to delete a pull request completely so it's no…
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6 answers

On GitHub, what's the difference between reviewer and assignee?

A feature added on Dec, 7, 2016, announced on GitHub blog, introduced the option to add reviewers to a Pull Request You can now request a review explicitly from collaborators, making it easier to specify who you'd like to review your pull…
Cezar Augusto
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8 answers

How to do a GitHub pull request

How do I create and/or send a pull request to another repository hosted on GitHub?
tim peterson
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7 answers

Send a pull request on GitHub for only latest commit

I forked a project on github and am successfully making changes to my local master and pushing to origin on github. I want to send a pull request, but only want to include the last commit. The pull request UI on shows the last 9 commits…
Kevin Hakanson
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9 answers

Find a Pull Request on GitHub where a commit was originally created

Pull Requests are great for understanding the larger thinking around a change or set of changes made to a repo. Reading pull requests are a great way to quickly "grok" a project as, instead of small atomic changes to the source, you get larger…
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9 answers

Undo a merge by pull request?

Someone accepted a pull request which they shouldn't have. Now we have a bunch of broken code merged in. How do you undo a pull request? I was just going to revert the changes to the commit just before the merge, but I noticed that it merged in a…
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8 answers

Prevent pushing to master on GitHub?

GitHub allows you to configure your repository so that users can't force push to master, but is there a way to prevent pushing to master entirely? I'm hoping to make it so that the only way of adding to commits to master is through the GitHub pull…
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5 answers

How to modify GitHub pull request?

I've opened a pull request to a project. The maintainer has decided to accept it, but told me to modify some contents. How can I do it? Whether I should keep the commit hash unchanged, how can I do it?
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