Questions tagged [pyqt]

PyQt is a set of Python v2 and v3 bindings for The Qt Company's Qt application framework and runs on all platforms supported by Qt including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and Android

PyQt Components

PyQt4 contains the following Python modules.

  • The QtCore module contains the core non-GUI classes, including the event loop and Qt's signal and slot mechanism. It also includes platform independent abstractions for Unicode, threads, mapped files, shared memory, regular expressions, and user and application settings

  • The QtGui module contains the majority of the GUI classes. These include a number of table, tree and list classes based on the model-view-controller design pattern. Also provided is a sophisticated 2D canvas widget capable of storing thousands of items including ordinary widgets.

  • The QtHelp module contains classes for creating and viewing searchable documentation and being able to integrate online help with PyQt applications. It is based on the C++ port of the Lucene text search engine.

  • The QtNetwork module contains classes for writing UDP and TCP clients and servers. It includes classes that implement FTP and HTTP clients and support DNS lookups. Network events are integrated with the event loop making it very easy to develop networked applications. The QtOpenGL module contains classes that enable the use of OpenGL in rendering 3D graphics in PyQt applications.

  • The QtScript module contains classes that enable PyQt applications to be scripted using Qt's JavaScript interpreter.

  • The QtSql module contains classes that integrate with open-source and proprietary SQL databases. It includes editable data models for database tables that can be used with GUI classes. It also includes an implementation of SQLite.

  • The QtSvg module contains classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. It supports the static features of SVG 1.2 Tiny.

  • The QtTest module contains functions that enable unit testing of PyQt applications. PyQt does not implement the complete Qt unit test framework. Instead it assumes that the standard Python unit test framework will be used and implements those functions that simulate a user interacting with a GUI.

  • The QtWebKit module implements a web browser engine based on the WebKit open source browser engine used by Apple's Safari. It allows the methods and properties of Python objects to be published and appear as JavaScript objects to scripts embedded in HTML pages.

  • The QtXml module implements SAX and DOM interfaces to Qt's XML parser.

  • The QtXmlPatterns module implements XQuery and XPath support for XML and custom data models.

  • The phonon module implements a multimedia framework that enables the use of audio and video content in PyQt applications. On Windows DirectX is used as the backend, on MacOS/X QuickTime is used as the backend, and on Linux GStreamer is used as the backend.

  • The QtMultimedia module implements low-level multimedia functionality. Application developers would normally use the phonon module.

  • The QtAssistant module implements a simple interface for integrating Qt Assistant with PyQt applications to provide online help. Qt Assistant is itself implemented using QtHelp.

  • The QtDesigner module contains classes that allow Qt Designer to be extended using PyQt.

  • The QAxContainer module implements access to ActiveX controls and COM objects. It is only available in the commercial version of PyQt for Windows.

  • The Qt module consolidates the classes contained in all of the modules described above into a single module. This has the advantage that you don't have to worry about which underlying module contains a particular class. It has the disadvantage that it loads the whole of the Qt framework, thereby increasing the memory footprint of an application. Whether you use this consolidated module, or the individual component modules is down to personal taste.

  • The DBus support module is installed as dbus.mainloop.qt. PyQt does not support Qt's native DBus classes. Instead the module enables the Qt event loop to be used with the standard DBus Python bindings. It is only available for PyQt for X11.

  • The uic module implements support for handling the XML files created by Qt Designer that describe the whole or part of a graphical user interface. It includes classes that load an XML file and render it directly, and classes that generate Python code from an XML file for later execution.

PyQt Documentation

Current documentation is available for PyQt4 and PyQt5.

Books about PyQt

A list of tutorials


16996 questions
6 answers

How to change the color of the axis, ticks and labels

I'd like to change the color of the axis, as well as ticks and value-labels for a plot I did using matplotlib and PyQt. Any ideas?
Richard Durr
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7 answers

Threading in a PyQt application: Use Qt threads or Python threads?

I'm writing a GUI application that regularly retrieves data through a web connection. Since this retrieval takes a while, this causes the UI to be unresponsive during the retrieval process (it cannot be split into smaller parts). This is why I'd…
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14 answers

How to install PyQt4 on Windows using pip?

I'm using Python 3.4 on Windows. When I run a script, it complains ImportError: No Module named 'PyQt4' So I tried to install it, but pip install PyQt4 gives Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement PyQt4 although it does show up…
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7 answers

Background thread with QThread in PyQt

I have a program which interfaces with a radio I am using via a gui I wrote in PyQt. Obviously one of the main functions of the radio is to transmit data, but to do this continuously, I have to loop the writes, which causes the gui to hang. Since I…
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12 answers

Linking a qtDesigner .ui file to python/pyqt?

So if I go into QtDesigner and build a UI, it'll be saved as a .ui file. How can I make this as a python file or use this in python?
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1 answer

Issues when attaching and detaching external app from QDockWidget

Consider this little piece of code: import subprocess import win32gui import win32con import time import sys from PyQt5.Qt import * # noqa class Mcve(QMainWindow): def __init__(self, path_exe): super().__init__() menu =…
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9 answers

What is the correct way to make my PyQt application quit when killed from the console (Ctrl-C)?

What is the correct way to make my PyQt application quit when killed from the console (Ctrl-C)? Currently (I have done nothing special to handle unix signals), my PyQt application ignores SIGINT (Ctrl+C). I want it to behave nicely and quit when it…
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6 answers

PyQt or PySide - which one to use

I started learning a bit of python and would now like to toy around a bit with gui-building. Qt seems to be a good choice because of its cross-platformishness. Now there seem to be two bindings available: PyQt by Riverbank Computing and PySide,…
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8 answers

How to find Version of Qt?

How do I know which version of Qt I am using? When I open Qt Creator it shows "Welcome to Qt Creator 2.3". In the build setting, however, it shows Qt Version 4.7.1.
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6 answers

Should wildcard import be avoided?

I'm using PyQt and am running into this issue. If my import statements are: from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * then pylint gives hundreds of "Unused import" warnings. I'm hesitant to just turn them off, because there might be…
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6 answers

PyQt4.QtCore.pyqtSignal object has no attribute 'connect'

I'm having issues with a custom signal in a class I made. Relevant code: self.parse_triggered = QtCore.pyqtSignal() def parseFile(self): self.emit(self.parse_triggered) Both of those belong to the class: RefreshWidget. In its parent class I…
Dane Larsen
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13 answers

Clear all widgets in a layout in pyqt

Is there a way to clear (delete) all the widgets in a layout? self.plot_layout = QtGui.QGridLayout() self.plot_layout.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(200,200,200,200)) self.root_layout.addLayout(self.plot_layout) self.plot_layout.addWidget(MyWidget()) Now…
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2 answers

how to have a directory dialog

In PyQt, how does one display a file browser that shows and selects only directories (not files)? And how does one retrieve the name of the selected directory?
Moayyad Yaghi
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4 answers

How to set application's taskbar icon in Windows 7

How do I set an application's taskbar icon in PyQt4? I have tried setWindowIcon, and it successfully sets the icon in the top-left of the main window, but it does not affect the icon shown in the Windows 7 taskbar -- the taskbar icon remains the…
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3 answers

Should I use `app.exec()` or `app.exec_()` in my PyQt application?

I use Python 3 and PyQt5. Here's my test PyQt5 program, focus on the last 2 lines: from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * import sys class window(QWidget): def __init__(self,parent=None): super().__init__(parent) …
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