Questions tagged [read-access]

11 questions
0 answers

Prevent consecutive read operations from memory in C from being optimized away

My goal is to iterate memory on a microcontroller in C, and do two consecutive read operations on each cell, testing if both are zero. I try to do this as follows: volatile uint8_t* memory = MEMORY_START_ADDR; for(uint8_t byte = 0; byte <…
1 answer

Is there a way to give read permissions for a subdirectory in Deno?

I have a script that accesses files in a sub-directory. It works when you allow all read access, but all of my attempts at giving read access only to that directory have failed. Is there a way to specify directories via relative paths for…
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Apache: How do I open up read access to a directory & its contents, giving a directory listing, but not write access?

Around two decades ago, I did this, but I can't seem to figure it out now. I think Apache requires a directive - best in a container - else it thinks opening up file permissions is a configuration error, but I don't know how to do it…
Richard T
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Creating own Intellij Plugin causes Read access is allowed from inside read-action

I'm creating an Intellij Plugin and I want to use the Modal ProgressIndicator. Now, if I don't use the Modal ProgressIndicator everything goes through without error. If I do use the Modal ProgressIndicator I get the stack trace down below…
1 answer

C++ HashTable Read access violation

I am building a HashTable in C++ which takes a name of a person as the key and stores his/her favorite drink, the hashtable is defined as below: class HashTable { private: static const int m_tableSize = 10; struct item { std::string…
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Grant Read access to service principal to get ONLY subscription ids on Azure

I have over 50 Azure subscriptions under same tenant. I have created a service-principal under Azure active directory and provided the service principal 'reader' role to each subscriptions. When I make an API call from Postman I get all subscription…
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I don't understand how this error only occurs in Codewars but not in my Visual Studio IDE. (C++) Kata: Sum by Factors

Link to the question: Guys could you please help me figure out why my solution worked completely fine in Visual Studio but not in Codewars? The error in Codewars is as…
2 answers

any way to enable GCP service account access to specific folder in GCS bucket?

we have one bucket contain data of multi clients, separated by "folders" (of course its not really folders, but keys..) we want to sync data from each folder to the clients bucket, by rsync, for that the client supply us a "service-account" with…
1 answer

How can I modify my Stack Operation. (struct address problem)

I have problem in push function. My code is struct stack_t{ DATA_TYPE size; DATA_TYPE top; DATA_TYPE *arr; } void push(stack_t* s, DATA_TYPE item) { if (is_full(s) == true ) { exit(1); } else { …
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C++: Read access violation (this-> x was nullptr) with Blackmagic DeckLink SDK

I write a little program depending on the Blackmagic Decklink SDK. When I use the DeckLinkInput interface I get the read access violation message "this->dl_input was nulltr". After hours of debugging I have no idea how to fix this issue. Maybe one…
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2 answers

Any creative ways to detect deleted data allocated in heap?

I am designing a game engine and a lot of subsystems would interface with each other better if deleted pointers could be detected. I decided to take a look at what the actual memory address points to. It appears to point to 0000000000008123 in my…