Questions tagged [rerender]

453 questions
22 answers

Can you force Vue.js to reload/re-render?

Just a quick question. Can you force Vue.js to reload/recalculate everything? If so, how?
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13 answers

How to reload or re-render the entire page using AngularJS

After rendering the entire page based on several user contexts and having made several $http requests, I want the user to be able to switch contexts and re-render everything again (resending all $http requests, etc). If I just redirect the user…
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5 answers

React Hooks render twice

I define a scene: we have a component that uses parent's props and itself state. There are two Components DC and JOKER and my step under the below: click DC's button DC setCount JOKER will render with the old state running useEffect and…
Stephen Kingsley
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1 answer

Angular.js: Is it possible to re-render ng-repeats based on existing scope data?

I have a bunch of connected ul lists in my view which are using a jQuery UI: Sortable directive to facilitate drag and drop and reordering of the list items. Changes I make via jQuery UI's drag and drop I apply to the $scope using the $apply…
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3 answers

How to prevent flatlist header or footer from re-render in reactnative

I put an input field in the footer of flatlist but when i try to type anything it dismiss the keyboard automatically because of the re-render of the flatlist footer.. I tried to nest the flatlist from Scrollview but this brings warning.. How can i…
Shady Hakim
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3 answers

How to re-execute javascript function after form reRender?

I need to re-execute javascript just after form gets re-rendered. Simply, putting in javascript after XHTML content won't help since its a partial request. Also, I cannot use "onComplete" as the commandButton from which I am re-rendering form is in…
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3 answers

When React functional component re-render, does it reassign assigned values & functions?

If a code like this re-render by useEffect's dependency, // ... const Test = () => { // ... const value1 = "test1" const func1 = () => { // do something1 } useEffect(() => { const value2 = "test2" const func2 = ()…
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1 answer

How to configure Why Did You Render with NextJS 12

Next.JS uses babel to configure the Why Did You Render. module.exports = function (api) { const isServer = api.caller((caller) => caller?.isServer) const isCallerDevelopment = api.caller((caller) => caller?.isDev) const presets = [ …
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2 answers

Component not updating when I change the props that I pass to it in React

I have a functional component which has a child component. The child component displays some text which is passed onto it from the parent component via props. When I change the text in the parent component and pass it down, the child component still…
Dark Programmer
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1 answer

In React, when a parent component re-renders, isn't it true that the children with unchanged props should not need to re-render?

I think the fact is that, when a parent component re-renders in React, in general, all the children components re-render as well. I did one experiment to confirm: return (
Time now…
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1 answer

Prevent rerender react array of objects

I have an Ul component which contains an array of objects with different values in it. Each item called TestCase in this list has a button which makes a restcall and updates its object. However not all TestItems need to be updated. Only those whose…
Reubin Sidhu
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2 answers

React.useMemo does not update the data

I am new to hooks. So this might be easy yet I have no idea how to solve: I have a function like this which takes two arrays columns and data . and those data should be memoized or else it does not work. (recommended by react-table guys) function…
Amir Shahbabaie
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1 answer

How to re-render partial of model in backbone?

I have a answers list like below: each list item is a backbone model. { title: 'answer title...', content: 'answer content...', voteStatus: 'up' } When I click up-vote or down-vote, The model's voteStatus will be change, and this answer item…
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1 answer

Re-Rendering Handlebars partial from backbone view

I have a view, which holds handlebars template. that template consist of another partial template. that partial template holds a list of results, which i am using in different parts of my app. anyhow, when trying to filter the results, i'd like to…
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1 answer

Why is React component rerendering when props has not changed?

I have built an app on ReactJS 16.8.5 and React-Redux 3.7.2. When the app loads the app mounts, initial store is set and database subscriptions are set up against a Firebase Realtime Database. The app contains a sidebar, header and content section.…
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