Questions tagged [sikuli-ide]

Sikuli IDE is an Integrated Development Environment for sikuli script. It supports in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Sikuli IDE is used for writing sikuli script by capturing/taking screenshot, inserting image and creating region. The commands are available/visible at the left panel in Sikuli IDE. They can be included in script just by clicking. The commands are categorized as below:

-> Find
-> Mouse Actions
-> Keyboard Actions
-> Event Observation

Sikuli IDE edits and runs Sikuli source scripts. Sikuli IDE integrates screen capturing and a custom text editor (SikuliPane) to optimize the usability of writing a Sikuli script. To show embedded images in the SikuliPane, all string literals that ends with ”.png” are replaced by a custom JButton object, ImageButton. If a user adjusts the image pattern’s similarity, a Pattern() is automatically constructed on top of the image.

To execute a Sikuli script, Sikuli IDE creates a org.python.util.PythonInterpreter and automatically passes a few lines of headers (e.g. to import Sikuli’s Jython modules, and to set the path to .sikuli directory) to the interpreter. Once these headers are set, the .py script is simply executed by PythonInterpreter.execfile().

89 questions
3 answers

Get list of subfolders from a given folder in JRuby

I use JRuby in SikuliX IDE to get list of folders and its subfolders recursively and store its absolute paths(which may contains also dotted characters) in an array. I tried to use following code: records = Dir.glob 'C:/_private/Files/**/*/' I got…
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sikuli script python jython import subprocess

Looking for documentation that would illuminate a particular line of python code. Could you please provided a resource for it? subprocess.Popen("start chrome /new-tab",shell = True) Specifically, how was this composed? "start chrome…
dj zj
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How to call OpenCV in Sikuli/Jython?

I'm aware that Sikulix uses Jython and OpenCV for it's template matching, but I'm interested in performing some more complicated image processing tasks. Is it possible to directly access OpenCV in Sikulix/Jython, and are there any examples of how…
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Sikuli Producing AttributeError with Python Modules (PushBullet)

I'm rather new at coding, I'm trying to use the PushBullet API (from Azelphur) in my Sikuli code. I used pip to install PushBullet and its dependencies. The following code functions perfectly in the Atom editor, but hits errors in Sikuli: from…
2 answers

Sikuli scripts without images - Static applications

Sometimes we don't need to capture and use images for automating Desktop based application. We can simply use tab and Enter keys to achieve our task. But in some cases we need images, for example radio button, option selection, check box, etc. Is…
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How to use multi-line (Block) comment in sikuli IDE?

I am using sikuli IDE for automation. In sikuli IDE, we can put single line comment as '#'. But I couldn't find any way to put multi-line(block) comment in sikuli IDE. I am referring sikuli official documentation site I have…
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How to save captured region as an image to a disk file?

I would like to be able to save a captured region to a png file on disk The section of the code I have is: r = Region(150,350,1700,630) r.highlight(15) screen = Screen() image = screen.capture(r) How to save now? As mentioned in the documentation,…
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webbrowser library is not working as intended on SikulixIDE

On SikulixIDE, the library webbrowser always open the default browser, even when i use the get method, i tried my code on regular python, it does work. Anyone know why it is reacting like that ? webbrowser.get('C:/Program…
1 answer

Sikulix - exists function has timeout?

i have a sikulix code with 5 if statement like this : if exists("1642200162130.png"): It enter in only one if statement, where there is only one click() click(Location(me.x + paddingx, me.y + paddingy)) For a complete run, the scritp take…
Valentin Garreau
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Capture Screen/Windows from Virtual Desktop where we are in main desktop using c#

I am creating a multi desktop application that create and open many desktops in the windows user session,To do this i am using Win32 functions like CreateDesktop,SwitchDesktop, OpenDesktop..Etc. and I create an icon in the task bar, and the user…
1 answer

Print on same line on sikuli IDE

I am trying to print several things on the same line using different calls on the Sikuli IDE, but I'm apparently unable to do so. What I would do on python as: print("Doing a sum: ", end="") x=2+5 print(x) >> Doing a sum: 7 On Sikuli IDE (2.0.5…
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SikuliX cannot call makeOpts()

I am working on sikulixide-2.0.5 on windows. Now I would like to utilize user properties write/read functions to implement persistence of application parameters, So that I am learning as the part of reference shown :…
Ju-Hsien Lai
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SikuliX IDE is stuck starting up with message: SikuliX-IDE 2.0.4 is starting on Java 15

Machine: MacBook Pro running macOS Catalina V10.15.7 Downloaded Java JDK 15 from: Put the jdk folder in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ (I had to manually create the JavaVirtualMachines folder as I'd previously deleted…
1 answer

Sikuli script does not run on Linux

My SikuliX script run on Windows10. However, under Linux (Debian 7.11), the script only opens my application and refuses to continue to execute the remaining script. I tried running on SikuliX versions 1.1.4 and 2.0.1. Gives an error…
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Sikuli compiled jar file script running on other pc (requirements)

I could not find clear answer to this, I would need to know what is needed to run compiled sikuli script on other computer.I have a sikuli jar script that I transferred to one of our pcs at work and I expected this to run since I sucessfully…
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