Questions tagged [spring-ide]

31 questions
5 answers

Why is SpringSource Tool Suite (STS) so slow? And how can I fix it?

I've been running STS 2.3.2 on a MacBook Pro for a few days now. I'm finding the performance to be significantly slower than any other build of Eclipse I've used. For example, switching from one tab to another can take up to 4 seconds. I tried…
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What is the difference between Eclipse with Spring IDE plugin and Spring Tool Suite alone?

What's the difference between these Eclipse with the Spring IDE plugin Spring Tool Suite (STS) alone I ask because STS says it's built on top of Eclipse, and I wonder what differences it has over simply using a plugin that adds similar…
Captain Man
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5 answers

Is there tooling to visualize a live Spring application context?

Are there any tools that can take a fully-constructed/wired Spring application context and export a visualization of it? I'm talking about a live context that shows the order in which aspects were applied, what beans were auto-wired into other…
Brian Laframboise
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1 answer

Is there a difference between Run As: Spring Boot App and Run As: Java Application?

If I am using Spring Tool Suite or The Spring IDE plugin for eclipse, I can run a spring boot app 2 ways: Run As: Spring Boot App Java Application Both of these commands work and can fire up my spring boot app without an issue. However, I…
Matthew Fontana
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Why is Eclipse so slow at saving individual JavaScript, HTML and CSS files only?

I am using Spring's bundle of Eclipse, STS version 3.6.0 which is based on Eclipse Kepler SR2 (4.3.2). Eclipse performance is generally very good and if I save a Java file, it is instantaneous. However, when I try to save a JavaScript file it can…
Paul Drummond
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1 answer

Spring Security : configuration error

I am not able to solve this problem that I have XSD version above 4 then why there is still conflict? I am using Spring JARs and all of them have version 4 or above and still getting error. Following is XSD for spring-security.xml:
1 answer

adding a new namespace declaration to a spring config using Spring IDE

I have a Spring configuration file spring-idol.xml with the following namespace declaration:
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Eclipse is giving an error when trying to refactor a method's signature

Whenever I try to change a method's signature using eclipse refactoring functionality (shortcut Shift+Alt+c) I get an error dialog with the text below. An unexpected exception occured while performing the refactoring. See the error log for more…
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5 answers

STS doesn't show XSD namespaces to use with new Spring Bean Definition

i'm very new with spring framework and i was following this tutorial : According to tutorial, when i added a Spring Bean Configuration File, i should be able to select some XSD namespaces to use with…
2 answers

Spring IDE version of eclipse won't allow me to install the Eclipse Market Place

i recently download the Spring IDE complete download rather than download eclipse and plugin. Hence now i goto the Update Sites and there is nothing there... so i add the following which is noted here…
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3 answers

Content Assist not working in applicationContext.xml with Java Project with 'Spring Project Nature' in eclipse

I have a simple Java project using Spring 3 and Hibernate 3. I've added the "Spring Project Nature" using Spring IDE. The applicationContext.xml file is in the src folder of the project. The Content Assist feature of Eclipse 3.5 doesn't seem to work…
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2 answers

NoSuchMethodError when compiling in Eclipse with Spring IDE

I have a development environment based on Eclipse Juno with Spring IDE installed. My project uses also Spring Security. The Spring version I am using is 2.5.5 and Spring Security is at 2.0.6. Now, after updating Spring IDE from 3.1.0 to 3.3.0, I am…
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bean dependency diagram in eclipse for a java config based spring project

I'm using STS/GGTS 3.0.0 in eclipse, my spring project is a mix of java based, and xml based spring configuration. I'd like to see some dependency diagrams of the spring beans, I can't figure out how to do that. any ideas? Kind Regards
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3 answers

How to jump to Spring context XML file from Java Class in Eclipse

I well read the question How to find Spring XML definition from Java Class in Eclipse but it does not seem to answer similar question from me. I would like to jump from Java class in editor to the spring context xml file. If I highlighted a class…
1 answer

Setting up spring toolkit - spring classes not being found

I've downloaded and installed the latest spring toolkit on eclipse helios via the update site. According to the spring website the toolkit contains "everything" needed to develop a spring app. All the spring imports are not found such as - import…
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