Questions tagged [staging]

Staging is the process of deploying to an intermediate, usually internal, repository so that deployed artifacts can be tested and later promoted to higher levels so that they can finally be release to public repositories

Staging, when it comes to Data warehousing

The Data Warehouse Staging Area is temporary location where data from source systems is copied. A staging area is mainly required in a Data Warehousing Architecture for timing reasons. In short, all required data must be available before data can be integrated into the Data Warehouse.

Due to varying business cycles, data processing cycles, hardware and network resource limitations and geographical factors, it is not feasible to extract all the data from all Operational data sources at exactly the same time.

For example, it might be reasonable to extract sales data on a daily basis, however, daily extracts might not be suitable for financial data that requires a month-end reconciliation process.

Data in the Data Warehouse can be either persistent (i.e. remains around for a long period) or transient (i.e. only remains around temporarily).

Not all business require a Data Warehouse Staging Area. For many businesses it is feasible to use ETL to copy data directly from operational databases into the Data Warehouse.


530 questions
19 answers

How do I remove a single file from the staging area (undo git add)?

Situation: I have a Git repository with files already in the index. I make changes to several files, open Git and add these files to my staging area with "git add ." Question: How do I remove one of those files from the staging area but not remove…
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9 answers

git add only modified changes and ignore untracked files

I ran "git status" and listed below are some files that were modified/or under the heading "changes not staged for commit". It also listed some untracked files that I want to ignore (I have a ".gitignore" file in these directories). I want to put…
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3 answers

How do you move a commit to the staging area in git?

If you want to move a commit to the staging area - that is uncommit it and move all of the changes which were in it into the staging area (effectively putting the branch in the state that it would have been in prior to the commit) - how do you do…
Jonathan M Davis
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3 answers

How do I interactively unstage a particular hunk in git?

In git, if I have a couple of hunks from the same file staged in my index, how can I interactively unstage one of them? Is there any alternative to unstaging the entire file, and then re-staging the hunks I want to keep, or manually undoing the…
Andrew Grimm
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2 answers

Git production/staging server workflow

Currently my website (production server) already have a lot of code in it. And now I want to start using Git for my projects and setup a staging server for my team. Can anybody give me any advise? Here is the picture in my mind: Production …
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5 answers

Staging instance on Heroku

I'd like to be able to push code to for testing and then to for production use. Is this possible with Heroku?
Tom Lehman
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7 answers

How to set up a staging environment on Google App Engine

Having properly configured a Development server and a Production server, I would like to set up a Staging environment on Google App Engine useful to test new developed versions live before deploying them to production. I know two different…
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3 answers

How can you git add a new file without staging it?

To use git effectively (and as intended) I make small atomic commits, while I do have longer sessions where I do change not only one thing. Thus, I make heavy use of git add -p. This doesn't work for completely new files, though, because I tend to…
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4 answers

What is a "stage" in the context of Amazon API Gateway?

What is a "stage" in the context of Amazon API Gateway? What is it's purpose and how to create one? Is there any relation to "staging" in the production/staging/development convention?
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5 answers

Azure connection string best practices

I have an application that I am just migrating to Azure. Currently I use web.config transformation to manage changing the database connecting string dev/staging/prod environments. How is it best to manage these multiple connection strings in Azure?
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2 answers

Staging database good practices

I'm about to deploy to production a fairly complex site and for the first time need a staging environment where I can test things in a more realistic environment, especially with regard to some external services that cannot be run locally. My…
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1 answer

How do I push different branches to different heroku apps?

I've been working on a web-app that gets pushed to heroku. The source is hosted on GitHub. So git push pushes the master branch to GutHub. My git branch 'master' is connected to Heroku app 'my-app-staging' So git push heroku pushes the app to…
Dave Sag
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4 answers

How to set NODE_ENV from package.json for react

I am trying to target multiple environments from local while executing React app. 1. Development 2. Staging 3. Production I am also trying to test for offline mode in any of the environments. So, the scripts what I have configured is as follows: …
5 answers

How to provide preprocessor directives in Java

CHow can I correctly provide the following functionally from C# in Java? [C#] #define PRODUCTION //Change from sandbox to production to switch between both systems. #if SANDBOX using; #endif #if…
Robert H
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3 answers

How are people handling content management system production staging?

I've been dipping my toe into web development technologies for fun (ya, i should get out more), and am a little shocked at the lack of clear support for production staging (i.e. development, testing, performance, and production environments).…
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