Questions tagged [status]

A status is a summary of the current state of a process, an application, a function or an object, or a response code about the execution of a request or a function (e.g., return code or error code). For status bar, use the tag 'statusbar'. For http-status, use tag 'http-status-codes'

A status is a summary of the current state of a process, an application, a function or an object. It can also be a response code related to the execution of a request or a function, typically a return code, or an error code.


  • Do not use for question related status bars, but use instead.
  • For HTTP requests, prefer or the tag http-status-code-xxx where xxx is a numeric response code.

External references:

  • Exit status on Wikipedia for status of a process execution
1447 questions
21 answers

How to get current CPU and RAM usage in Python?

How can I get the current system status (current CPU, RAM, free disk space, etc.) in Python? Ideally, it would work for both Unix and Windows platforms. There seems to be a few possible ways of extracting that from my search: Using a library such…
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9 answers

Git status ignore line endings / identical files / windows & linux environment / dropbox / meld

How do I make git status ignore line ending differences? Background info: I use randomly Windows and Linux to work on the project. The project is in Dropbox. I found a lot about how do make git diff ignore line endings. Since i use meld git diff…
Thorsten Niehues
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4 answers

Git status - is there a way to show changes only in a specific directory?

I would like to see a list of files modified since the last commit, as git status shows, but I care only about files located in a single directory. Is there a way to do this? I tried git status , but it seems this does something…
Kuba Suder
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11 answers

What does the Subversion status symbol "~" mean?

I am getting a tilde symbol when I do an svn status. Here is the output of the project after editing it in XCode. svn status M build/ M …
Jamison Dance
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16 answers

How to mark a build unstable in Jenkins when running shell scripts

In a project I'm working on, we are using shell scripts to execute different tasks. Some are sh/bash scripts that run rsync, and some are PHP scripts. One of the PHP scripts is running some integration tests that output to JUnit XML, code coverage…
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1 answer

Does the command systemctl and service exists on linux only and not mac?

Hi I'm trying to see the status of my apache services on my Mac. I tried the command sudo service httpd status but command not found I look up in Google and discover systemctl so I try that sudo man systemctl and it shows no manual entry for…
Henry Yang
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7 answers

How to change status bar color to match app in Lollipop? [Android]

In the new lollipop update I noticed that with the native Google apps the color of the status bar changes to match the action bar on the app you're running. I see it's on the Twitter app also so I'm guessing it's not exclusively Google who can do…
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1 answer

Should a 502 HTTP status code be used if a proxy receives no response at all?

According to the RFC: 10.5.3 502 Bad Gateway The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server it accessed in attempting to fulfill the request. Can invalid response also mean no response at…
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6 answers

Ignore new commits for git submodule

Background Using Git on Linux. The repository looks as follows: master book The submodule was created as follows: $ cd /path/to/master $ git submodule add book The book submodule is clean: $ cd…
Dave Jarvis
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14 answers

Status "S" in Subversion

At some point all files in my working copy got marked with "S" symbol as shown below: $ svn st M S AclController.php S InstallationController.php S CustomerController.php S RedirController.php S IndexController.php …
Michał Niedźwiedzki
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8 answers

Android : change button text and background color

How can I change both text and background colors when my button is pressed, with xml ? To change text color I can do :
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7 answers

git: list new files only

When I do a git status I get a list of files prefixed with new file: . How can I get only this list? I want to process this files in a simple loop in a little shell script.
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4 answers

Checking Wi-Fi enabled or not on Android

What would the code be for checking whether the Wi-Fi is enabled or not?
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9 answers

Find out whether celery task exists

Is it possible to find out whether a task with a certain task id exists? When I try to get the status, I will always get pending. >>> AsyncResult('...').status 'PENDING' I want to know whether a given task id is a real celery task id and not a…
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9 answers

How to get TFS Build Status notifications?

I want to get the build status in TFS (whether it is succeeded or failed). Which classes and methods can be used for this purpose?
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