Questions tagged [turbogears2]

TurboGears 2.x is a "best-of-breed" full stack rapid development web framework written in Python.

TurboGears 2.x is a "best-of-breed" next generation full stack rapid development web framework written in Python.

It uses the currently subjectively "best of its breed" components such as Genshi/Kid (Templating), SQLAlchemy (Database ORM), Pylon (WSGI Stack) and repoze (Auth) and unites them with as little "glue code" as possible for a quick start off.

In short as found in a comment in the sources: TG2 : Pylons = Ubuntu : Debian.

It is similar in spirit to frameworks like Django, TG1 and Rails but aims to remove some of their frustrating limitations (handicapped ORMs that only speak with a very limited number of database systems and lack support for advanced DBM features like Stored Procs, Views, etc., unnatural templating, NIH syndrome and many more)

Source: TG Website, Docs @

151 questions
1 answer

Logout fails in Turbogears 2.2.2

I have app written in TG 2.2.2 with default authentication. Last days, I have problem with logging in and out. In safari, two authtkt cookies are created, one as "", other "". After calling /logout_handler, cookie for…
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Alembic, How to alter a ForeigenKey Column

I'm using Alembic 0.8.9, SQLAlchemy 1.1.4 and my database is a MySQL database. I'm in the process of altering a table and a Foreign column: In my database, I'm renaming 'organs' table to be named 'purposes'. Using from alembic import op def…
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7 answers

Turbogears 2 vs Django - any advice on choosing replacement for Turbogears 1?

I have been using Turbogears 1 for prototyping small sites for the last couple of years and it is getting a little long in the tooth. Any suggestions on making the call between upgrading to Turbogears 2 or switching to something like Django? I'm…
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8 answers

Can anyone point out the pros and cons of TG2 over Django?

Django is my favorite python web framework. I've tried out others like pylons, web2py, nevow and others. But I've never looked into TurboGears with much enthusiasm. Now with TG2 out of beta I may give it a try. I'd like to know what are some of the…
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3 answers

Pip freeze gives me this error related with git

I am working with python and git on a simple Turbogears2 project that I've built just for fun. In a certain moment I want to deploy it to Heroku, so I do the usual pip freeze > requirements.txt and I get this error: Error when trying to get…
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6 answers

File Uploads with Turbogears 2

I've been trying to work out the 'best practices' way to manage file uploads with Turbogears 2 and have thus far not really found any examples. I've figured out a way to actually upload the file, but I'm not sure how reliable it us. Also, what would…
William Chambers
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2 answers

Connect to mssql from sqlalchemy by pyodbc on mac os

Anyone has successfully connect to mssql thru pyodbc within sqlalchemy? I am using turbogears2 right now, and try to connect to mssql, working on a mac os platform. Getting following error: sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError: (Error) ('00000', '[00000]…
Leon Guan
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1 answer

uWSGI log rotation not working

I am running Turbogears under uWSGI 2.0.3. All works OK except log rotation. I load my configuration from an INI file: ... log-maxsize = 104857600 daemonize = /var/log/dumper.log ... uWSGI does not rotate the log while running. If I…
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1 answer

TurboGears 2 quickstart shows error immediately

I am new to TurboGears and have just installed TG2 development in a virtual environment. I'm following along in the quickstart guide, and have successfully built a helloworld via paster quickstart I started the server and navigated a web-browser…
Jon Mitten
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How to extend the Turbogears 2.1 login functionality

I'm using Turbogears 2.1 and repoze.who/what and am having trouble figuring out how to extend the basic authentication functionality. I am essentially attempting to require users to activate their account via an emailed link before they can login.…
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2 answers

Turbogears 2 Tutorials?

Anyone know of a good beginners tutorial for Turbogears 2? I'm particularly interested in one that would have some details on working with existing database schema rather than creating from scratch. (and some pointers on MS SQL server setup would…
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1 answer

Python framework to use with SQLAlchemy

I was planning on starting a project using Turbogears 2. I noticed however that in particular on there don't seem to be many questions concerning it. According to Wikipedia, it seems the framework is still under active development…
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3 answers

Pylons vs Turbogears

I am considering whether I should use Turbogears or Pylons for my project. I know Turbogears2 is based on Pylons. What does Turbogears provide that Pylon doesn't? Thanks.
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2 answers

Logging queries with sqlalchemy 0.6

With turbogears 2.1 and sqlalchemy 0.7 the queries from console were logged out to stdout. However I needed to downgred to 0.6 and they no longer appear. Documentation of logging seems to be identical and I couldn't find anything in changelog. How…
Maciej Piechotka
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1 answer

Turbogears change user via function calls

In TG1, you could change the logged in user by doing something like: identity.set_current_identity(identity) Is it possible to do something similar in TG2? It seems like repoze.who should provide something similar, but I can't seem to find the…
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