Questions tagged [universal-image-loader]

Universal Image Loader is the open source library for Android which aims to provide a reusable instrument for asynchronous image loading, caching and displaying.

Project on GitHub


  • Multithread image loading
  • Possibility of wide tuning ImageLoader's configuration (thread pool size, HTTP options, memory and disc cache, display image options, and others)
  • Possibility of image caching in memory and/or on device's file sysytem (or SD card)
  • Possibility to "listen" loading process
  • Possibility to customize every display image call with separated options
  • Widget support
865 questions
41 answers

How to lazy load images in ListView in Android

I am using a ListView to display some images and captions associated with those images. I am getting the images from the Internet. Is there a way to lazy load images so while the text displays, the UI is not blocked and images are displayed as they…
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6 answers

Picasso v/s Imageloader v/s Fresco vs Glide vs Coil

Findings: Difference between Picasso v/s ImageLoader here ... Info about the library GLIDE here ... Facebook has its own library Fresco Newest addition to the list Coil Questions: What is the difference between Picasso v/s Imageloader v/s Fresco…
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5 answers

Local image caching solution for Android: Square Picasso, Universal Image Loader, Glide, Fresco?

I am looking for an asynchronous image loading and caching library in Android. I was going to use Picasso, but I found Universal Image Loader is more popular on GitHub. Does anyone know about these two libraries? A summary of pros and cons would be…
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6 answers

Convert a File Object to Bitmap

I am using Universal-Image-Loader and there is this functionality that access the file cache of the image from sd card. But I don't know how to convert the returned file cache into bitmap. Basically I just wanted to assign the bitmap to an…
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5 answers

Android - ImageLoader must be init with configuration before using in UIL

I got the error: ImageLoader must be init with configuration before using is the error from Illegal State Exception. I am struggling to display the images in my approach of putting the gridview inside a fragments. As for my understanding the…
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2 answers

UIL doesn't support scheme(protocol) by default You should implement this support yourself

Hello I am capturing image from camera and save it into SDCARD and loading via Universal Image Loader but every time i get an error like 09-20 14:38:22.617: E/ImageLoader(16626): UIL doesn't support scheme(protocol) by default…
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3 answers

How to force a cache clearing using Universal Image Loader Android?

I am using UIL to load images in a listview. When I long press an image in the listview, I show a dialog to modify that picture, replacing it with a new one using the camera. If I take a new picture, when the dialog is dismissed my listview still…
Paranoid Android
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2 answers

Show indeterminate ProgressBar while loading image with Universal Image Loader

I was wondering if there is a mechanism to show a spinning "indeterminate" ProgressBar in place of the image while it's loading with Universal Image Loader. Right now I'm using the showStubImage() option in DisplayImageOptions to show an image…
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6 answers

Which provides better Image Loading/Caching - Volley or Picasso?

I'm looking for an open source image loading/caching solution. I am looking in to: Google's Volley, Square's Picasso Universal Image Loader I want to be able to handle async image loads from disk as well as network, however I'm not sure if Google's…
Patrick Jackson
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3 answers

Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow

I want to show an InfoWindow on markers in a Maps V2 fragment. Thing is, I want to show BitMaps that are dynamically loaded from the web with Universal Image Downloader. This is my InfoWindowAdapter: class MyInfoWindowAdapter implements…
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5 answers

Caching images and displaying

Hello Am facing a particular problem in which I need to download images and display them onto a ListView corresponding to their particular TextView's. The code I have is successfully displaying the The TextView's I need to display but I don't know…
D'yer Mak'er
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5 answers

How To Use universal image loader offline caching?

Is it possible to catch offline using universal image loader? If possible, how to use it? Using configs? How To Set Download Directory manually? out of memory erroron load huge images : my codes : DisplayImageOptions defaultOptions = new…
Hossein Kurd
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2 answers

Universal Image Loader - removing single image from cache not working

I calling following code before loading an image: String url = getUrlImageIcon(); MemoryCacheUtil.removeFromCache(url, ImageLoader.getInstance().getMemoryCache()); DiscCacheUtil.removeFromCache(url,…
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6 answers

Universal image loader roundedBitmapDisplayer issues

I'm using latest universal-image-loader-1.9.2-SNAPSHOT-with-sources.jar file. Its working fine. I want to change image to round(Circle). I have used following display options. DisplayImageOptions userimgoptions = new…
Murali Ganesan
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2 answers

How to use Universal image Loader for loading resources locally

I want to know how can i use nostra13 / Android-Universal-Image-Loader for displaying Images locally i.e from drawable folder along with the Memorycache. I want to use it with ViewPager. any help will be greatly appreciated.
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