Questions tagged [unstage]

Removing file changes that have been staged for a commit in Git

20 questions
4 answers

What is the `git restore` command and what is the difference between `git restore` and `git reset`?

When I want to unstage a staged file, all of my Git tutorials show something like: $ git add * $ git status On branch master Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) renamed: -> README modified: …
Thinh NV
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4 answers

What is the fastest way to unstage parts of a new file in git?

When I want to split up a new file into several commits I can git add -N and then interactively stage lines using git gui. When I make a mistake while staging, however, git gui won't let me unstage individual lines because it is a new file…
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3 answers

git reset vs git reset HEAD

Every time a file has been staged, Git offers helpful instructions in the event you needed to unstage a file: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) However the decent Git Tutorials by Atlassian simply say: git reset This seems more…
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2 answers

How do I revert a pushed commit back to being unstaged?

I tried searching for an answer to this, but haven't found anything that matches quite like this problem. Feel free to link me to an answer if there is one already out there. What I did was commit and push a large number of changes as one commit. …
David Markowitz
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3 answers

Git unstage without losing merge?

I have a branch with hundreds of new and different files and I just want to merge a dozen or so of these into my release branch. I tried running a normal git merge with no commit and that automatically staged hundreds of files I don't want (in…
Ken Otwell
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1 answer

git tries to upload deleted file that is not staged

I had a file F that exceeded 100 MB limit that I tried to push. So the push failed. I then removed the file, because it could not be pushed and assumed I needed to do add . ; commit and push again. In the auto generated commit it said deleted file…
lo tolmencre
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How to get changes done by me one commit back?

I had lots of changes in my local git fork, I do: git add -A git commit -m "commit message" pull changes from upstream master rebase git push to my origin Now It happens that there are several other commits (from others) between my previous commit…
Ashish Ranjan
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1 answer

How to undo a "git add" keeping the previously staged version? (Does the index have history?)

I have a question that's similar to How to undo 'git add' before commit?, but with an important difference: background: I'm running some code that's generating files which I'll add to my repository when complete. The code that's generating the…
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2 answers

After a git reset --soft HEAD^ was performed, how do I remove files not needed by my repo?

I had to run git reset --soft HEAD^ to undo a commit with large files (same issue). Now I can see my files again in VS Code Source Control Explorer(see below) Problem - I want to remove these files from being added to my repo when committing and…
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2 answers

git hook to batch unstage all files in a path

I have a devlog folder where I write down my thoughts/example codes which I like to be visible with git status. With the exclusion of these files, quite often I can just git add .; git commit, but obviously the contents in devlog prohibit that. I…
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1 answer

Remove unstaged, uncommitted files in git when checking out a different branch

I deleted both the local and remote branches for a particular branch git branch -d branchName git branch --delete --remotes origin/branchName When I checkout out a different branch, I am still seeing the untracked/uncommitted files when I run git…
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0 answers

How to merge two similar project files together?

I've installed Ubuntu a month ago and have moved successfully from Windows. I installed the another operating system in dual-boot mode to switch between Windows & Ubuntu on startup everyday. Anyway, I installed VSC on ubuntu and pulled my project…
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0 answers

unable to unstage multiple files and directories from git bash and computer's command prompt

so my first attempt into web development, one best forgotten methinks in that -when creating my first html file- I was meant to load the saved file using sublime 3 and git gui. I'm unsure how but ended up loading thousands of files - seemingly…
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1 answer

Remove unstaged files from merge

i have two branches, one more updated than other one and I want to merge into the outdated one the updated but only the commits that don't cause conflicts. When I do the merge and try to checkout the unstaged files it says 'warning: path "my file"…
1 answer

Visual Studio 2017 Unstaged changes vanishes after Merging from Master Branch to a release branch

I need to Merge selected changes from the 'Master' branch to a 'EnvT' branch. During the Merge(Master to EnvT) lets say about 15 changes have been made to the 'Master' branch, all of the 15 changes is Staged and available within the 'Staged…
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