Sazzad Hissain Khan


Connect with me: LinkedIn

Core technical expertise: Git, OOP, Java, iOS (Swift, Objective-C), Xcode, iOS Configurations, Android (Java, Kotlin), System Design, Application Architecture, Development Processes, Testability.

Special interest: Information Theory, Astronomy, Probability, Theory of Relativity, Randomness

I am a strong believer of simplicity and code clarity

**Short Bio:** Throughout over 9 years of experience on mobile software development, I have acquired a deep understanding on how to overcome the real hurdles of developing performant, robust, testable and maintainable applications from the requirement analysis to the architecture, design, development, continuous integration and continuous deployment. I have a strong fascination for CLEAN coding and SOLID principles. Problem solving is my passion regardless if its design related or architectural and I value the passion for problem solving minds. Usability, especially user intuitive and interactive UX for front ends and fault tolerance for backends are my prime concerns on developing any product. More importantly I enjoy Software Engineering and solely believe that this profession suits best for me.