Manfred Moser


Software developer in Canada from Austria with three boys and Australian wife and a strong Java, Android, Web and Linux background.

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Programming involvement includes

  • a href="">Trino maintainer, contributor, and advocate
  • project owner of ksoap2-android
  • creator of Maven Android SDK Deployer
  • core committer on Android Maven Plugin
  • Former author, presenter and community advocate for Sonatype working on books like Repository Management with Nexus, The Hudson Book, Optimized Component Lifecycle Management with Sonatype CLM, Maven: The Complete Reference and blogger
  • Trainer and presenter at conferences for Android development, Sonatype Nexus, Apache Maven and more
  • Various small bug fixes and help on a variety of open source projects related to Java and Android inlcuding Roboguice, Robotium, Robolectric, Android4Maven, Hudson, ...