Meharban Ali


Microsoft® Certified Solution Architect having 16 years of experience in designing & developing, project solutions architecture design with microservices on a distributed architecture Visual Studio2022/2019/2017/2015/2013,AWS, AWS Lambda Functions, C#, .Net6.0, .Net Core, Microservices, MVC, Web.API, Asp.Net, WCF Service, Windows Service, middleware,, SNS, SQS, DevOps, EC2, RDS, VPC, Route53, Dax Cluster, OOPS, SOAP, Entity framework, ORM Dapper, X-RAY, LINQ, RDS, SOLID Principles, Angular, Microsoft Bot Framework, Emulator, Scrum, ADO.NET,WPF, MVVM, PRISM, Kendo UI, NVD3.JS, D3.JS, Wit.Ai, NLG, WINGs, Restful services, Threading, AppFabric, Microsoft Enterprise Library, HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, CSS, XML, COM, VB.Net jQuery, JavaScript, MSMQ, RSA security, Razor, XML ExtJs, Crystal Reports. AWS, DevOps AWS (Amazon Web Services), AWS Lambda Functions, DynamoDB, Dax Cluster, SNS Topics, SQS Queue, EC2, RDS, VPC, Route53, EKS, S3 bucket, Docker, RDS, SNS Topics, Glue, IAM, DB Tigger’s, CD/CI, TeamCity, Azure, ECS, Secret Manager, CloudWatch, Cloud Formation. Security principles Authentication, authorization, OAuth2.0, SAML, DataPower token, public-private key encryption, asymmetric encryption, symmetric encryption, token validation, encoding, single sign-on, , and RSA Security. .Net Framework .Net Core (3.1,2.1,2.0,1.0), Framework: 6.0,5.0,4.7,4.6, 4.5.2, 4.5.1, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 2.0. Third party Tool TIBCO EMS DLL, TFS, GIT, SOAP Services, Datadog, Veracode. Database NoSQL DynamoDB, SQL Server 2008/2012/2014/2019, Oracle 10g. RPA UiPath, Orchestrator, Blue Prism. Design Patterns Singleton, Facade, Abstract Factory, Factory, Repository, Observer, Composite, Command, Prototype, Adapter, Builder, Bridge, Observer etc. Domain Knowledge Airlines Domain, Travel, Insurance, Health, Ecommerce, And Financial Domain.