Shawn Kovac


I've been programming since i was in 3rd grade. My favorite programming language has been C# for quite some time. I like C-style languages mostly due to their conciseness while BASIC variants are more verbose. I've done a lot of (MS) SQL, HTML, JavaScript, ASP (classic in VBScript and JScript), ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET, and various old versions of BASIC (QBasic, TurboBasic, etc.). I've been using .NET since Microsoft released it in beta in 2000. I've enjoyed playing a little with Java in Android too. I'm very interested in jumping into the Rust programming language (, designed by Mozilla, and learning more of that. It seems they've done a SUPER job with it! I'm not familiar with it enuf to know if i will like it more than C# or not, but it is off to a gud start to being my fav!