

I'm a senior software engineer based in Turin, Italy. I've 15+ years of software developing experience. I have worked in very different fields being able to use code as a bridge between disciplines. This approach led me throughout countless avenues, going from interaction design to physical computing to straight software development. Today I'm the co-founder of The Connective, a digital company based in Turin, Italy. We craft digital products for different market niches. Lately we are focusing on e-commerce and drop-shipping white label solutions.

Skill sets:

  • Web: NodeJS, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, ThreeJS, Mootools, PHP, D3js, WP, Ghost and many many others.
  • Dev: Java, Python, C, C++, C#
  • DBMS: MySQL, SQLite, NOSQL, MongoDB
  • Mobile: Objective-C (iOS), Ionic, Phonegap, Steroids
  • Desktop: Objective-C (OSX), NWJS (formerly NodeWebkit), TideSDK,
  • OS: *Nix, OSx, WinX
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure
  • Networking and sys-admin