Renato Coutinho


Graduated in System Information. Over 13 years of experience in IT, where I worked in different roles: developer, quality assurance, infrastructure and Devops leader. More than five years of experience in people management, coordinating activities and the delivery of development teams and quality management.

Between 2011 and 2014 I had the opportunity of coordinate the quality assurance team at InfoGlobo(Globo Group) company, our team was composed of by 9 members.

Since 2015, I have been working as Devops leader, one of the main challenges in my carrier was to define, plan and execute a Continuous Delivery strategy using top-notch tools Continuous Delivery(Jenkins, GoCD, Docker, Puppet, Vagrant, AWS Beanstalk and Opsworks) using test automation process (Selenium Webdriver, Cucumber and BDD), application deploy(.NET, Java and Python) and data base(Flyway) at InfoGlobo company.

Highlights of the key achievements: 70% of reduction in the time to deliver, decreasing 66% total of people working in deployment process and 88% of all infoGlobo applications is performed in an automated fashion by 2016.

Experience in implementing and developing solutions enabling development and operations teams to build, deploy, monitor and test applications and environments.

Experience as software architect in .NET solutions, patterns like MVP and MVC, besides frameworks such as LinQ, Nhibernate and Entity Framework.

Great experience in agile methodology (XP, Scrum and Kanban) and product development through models as Business Canvas and Lean Startup.