A doula is a professional who assists women during childbirth as well as in the transition to motherhood.[1] A doula can provide a laboring women continuous physical and emotional support and complement the care provided by a medical professional. Doulas are growing in popularity across the world. You might be considering a career as a doula in Wisconsin but not sure how to become one. By thinking about your career path, getting the proper education and certifications, and then building up your business, you can be a doula in Wisconsin.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Getting Certified and Practical Experience

  1. 1
    Recognize your options. There are two types of work a doula does: birth support and postpartum assistance. You can choose to specialize in either option or get training and work in both fields. Be aware that training in both fields may take longer, but may also allow you to extend your relationship with your patients.[2]
    • Consider being a birth doula if you want to: prepare the mother before her baby’s birth, understand the physiology and emotional needs of a woman in labor, stay with support the woman physically and emotionally throughout her labor process, facilitate communication between the mother and individuals such as significant others and medical professionals.
    • Consider being a postpartum doula if you want to: provide education, companionship, and unconditional support following the birth of a baby; assist with newborn care and family adjustment; prepare meals; do light household work; give evidence-based information on infant feeding, coping skills, and recovery from birth.
    • Consider both options if you are interested in continuing to support your clients and extending the time of your relationship with them.
  2. 2
    Register for a doula certification program. Once you’ve made a decision about what type of doula you want to be, it’s important to get proper training. Getting education from accredited or recognized organization can most effectively prepare you for any contingency that you may encounter in your job as a doula. Having a formal education, which is the first step to getting a certification, has the added benefit of making you appear more professional and introducing you to other doulas.
    • Signing up for a certification program will put you on the path to getting certification as a doula through education and practical experience.
    • Consider the different program options. There are certification programs from organizations such as DONA International, Cappa, and Childbirth International. Although each program has different requirements for obtaining certification, they have the same basic components of education, practical experience, and an examination. Review the features of each program and see which best suits your needs for being a birth or postpartum doula, or both. Think about other factors such as cost, time frame for obtaining certification, ability to take courses and attend births, as well as local support from the organization.
  3. 3
    Fulfill education requirements. There is no formal education requirement to work as a doula in Wisconsin. However, when you register for a certification program, you will need to fulfill certain education requirements such as coursework and attending workshops. The information gained through your coursework can help you optimally perform your duties, gain you entry into Wisconsin’s different doula networks, and help you recruit potential clients.
    • Follow the birth doula requirements listed in your organization’s education packet. In general, these include elements such as attending an approved birth doula workshop; reading and being familiar with the codes of ethics and standards of practice for birth doulas; completing any required reading on subjects such as pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and business practices; and reviewing any online seminars or courses requested by your respective certification program.
    • Follow the postpartum doula requirements listed in your organization’s education packet. In general, these include elements such as attending a postpartum doula workshop; reading and being familiar with the codes of ethics and standards of practice for postpartum doulas; completing any required reading on subjects such as becoming a mother and postpartum care, newborn care and development, breastfeeding, family dynamics, and business practices.
  4. 4
    Get clinical experience. Most doula certification programs have a clinical or practical component as a part of their education. This step requires that you attend a specific number of births and/ or postpartum visits. Clinical experience can give you valuable practical experience, expose you to the job of being a doula, and further prepare you for taking any required exams.
    • Provide birth or postpartum support to several families to reinforce your coursework. Get as much experience as you can so that you can build a strong portfolio towards certification.
    • Consult your certification program for the number of clinical hours or specific experiences you need to get your certification. For example, birth doulas generally need to provide different types of support for several clients and prove good support services through client and supervisor evaluations Postpartum doulas often have similar requirements such as supporting several clients and their families after birth and proving good postpartum services through client and supervisor evaluations.
    • Make sure that the families you are supporting fill out a client confidentiality release form as well as an evaluation of your labor support.
    • Consider working with a birth or postpartum doula mentor in Wisconsin to obtain your clinical experience. For example, the South Central Wisconsin Doula Network has a mentoring program you can join.
  5. 5
    Apply for certification. Once you’ve fulfilled any education and clinical requirements, you are ready to apply for certification as a doula. Remember that you do not need certification to work as a doula in Wisconsin, but it is advisable so that you can best perform the job and gain entry into professional organizations. In addition, having certification as a doula qualifies you for insurance as a medical professional. Provide your certification organization with the required documentation to receive your license as a birth or postpartum doula. This documentation may include:
    • Proof that you’ve attended an approved workshop
    • A signed copy of a code of ethics and standards of practice
    • Proof of completed coursework and reading
    • Signed evaluations of clinical experience, including client confidentiality forms
    • An essay on labor support
    • References from health professionals and clients
    • Proof of membership in the certification-issuing organization
    • Proof of payment of fees for the application and certification
  6. 6
    Keep your certification up to date. Depending on the organization from which you get your certification and the local doula group you eventually join, you may need to recertify your doula license every few years. Recertification helps you stay on top of birthing and postpartum trends, network with other doulas, maintain your professional appearance and get new clients.
    • Consider recertification requirements when you start your course. For example, you may only need to attend a certain number of births to recertify. However, recertification may also require further coursework or attending workshops.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Finding Work

  1. 1
    Apply for jobs. As a birth or postpartum doula, you can work in several different types of environments. Depending on your preferences and experience, you might find work at a birthing center, hospital, doctor’s office, or in private homes.
    • Send letters of intent to local facilities about the possibility of working for them or consulting with their clients. For example, you could let a local OB/GYN know that you’re recently certified as a doula and keen to gain experience. Then inquire if the doctor would be interested in working with you or even advertising your services.
    • Ask fellow doulas in your local area if they know about job opportunities. For example, if you are in the greater Madison area, the South Central Wisconsin Doula Network can point you to job opportunities.
    • Check the websites of professional organizations such as CAPPA, Dona International and Childbirth International for possible job opportunities.
    • Register yourself with a local placement agency to help you find a job as a doula.
  2. 2
    Work for yourself. If you prefer to be slightly more flexible with your time or choose your specific clients, consider working on your own as an independent doula or by setting up your own practice. You can advertise your skills at local hospitals, doctor’s offices or even in the local media. You’ll need to take some of the following factors into consideration if you want to work for yourself:
    • How many hours per week you want to work. Remember that an 8-hour labor is considered quick and you’ll need to spend time in prenatal and postpartum care, too. You could spend a full day or longer attending a birth, which takes a physical and emotional toll on you, too.
    • How many clients per week and per year you can see. If you want to make sure you attend each client’s birth, you may have to limit the total number of clients you see in a given week or year.
    • What you want to charge. You’ll need to account for your time spent giving any case and consider expenses for items such as equipment, self-employment taxes, and insurance.
  3. 3
    Network with other doulas. Meeting and talking with other doulas in Wisconsin and beyond can greatly expand your knowledge of the profession. It can also help you more easily find work. Attend workshops, regular meetings and conferences whenever you get the chance.
    • Become a member of local and national doula organizations such as the South Central Wisconsin Doula Network, Dona International, or CAPPA. All of these organizations have regular meetings, conferences, and events that you can attend to meet other doulas.
    • Consider hosting occasional events in your home, which can help you get to know other doulas and may bring work your way.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Considering a Career as a Doula

  1. 1
    Inform yourself about being a doula. Supporting laboring women and new mothers and babies can be extremely rewarding. It won’t be smoothing sailing at all times because any woman can experience complications, but there are many advantages to being a doula.
    • Consider being a doula if you want to work in the medical profession without becoming an OB/GYN or labor and delivery nurse. Providing assistance and support to laboring woman and new mothers can be rewarding no only for you, but also the families you support.
    • Be aware that attending a delivery may have emotional demands. You may be dealing with birth complications or a sick mother or baby. These situations can upset you. You may also have to positively maneuver interpersonal dynamics or situations involving patients and their family members or medical professionals. If you like working with and helping people, then a career as a doula might be just right for you.
  2. 2
    See if you meet basic requirements. You’ll need special education and training to be a certified doula. Making sure you meet the basic requirements and taking an honest look at your personality can help you decide the best way to become a doula in Wisconsin.
    • Consider meeting with a doula to ask any questions you have about the career, including what education and certifications you may need. You could also ask her if you could shadow her for a day so that you can get a better sense of what a typical working day entails.
    • Be aware that there are currently no educational requirements to become a doula. However, having a high school diploma, GED, or even a college degree might give you some foundational information that can assist your training and work as a doula.
  3. 3
    Think about how the career fits your lifestyle. Being a doula can be very rewarding, but also comes certain time and place demands. Figuring out if you can pursue your dream and maintain your lifestyle may help you decided on your specific path as a doula. Ask yourself some of the following questions:
    • Can I keep up with possible physical demands? You might be awake for long hours and have to be on your feet during this time, too. You may also get a woman who squeezes your hand hard or thrashes around during delivery, both of which could injure you.
    • Does my personality fit being a doula? Working with expectant or new mothers, their families, and medical professional is a big part of being a doula. A career as a doula might be great if you’re outgoing and/ or enjoy helping others.
    • How does it fit in my lifestyle? Doulas are often at the whim of a baby, so you’ll need to be available at basically any time of the day or night and during the week or on weekends.
    • Will I make enough money as a doula? In Wisconsin, doulas earn on average $33,000. Depending on where in Wisconsin you work and your client base, you could make more or less. If you work as a consultant, you may also have to pay taxes and for health benefits, vacation, and sick time.
    • Be aware that because doulas are increasingly popular, your job prospects look very good.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: August 5, 2022
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