Your dad is an important person in your life, and every year, you should make his birthday feel special and celebrate his life. It doesn’t matter if you have a relaxing day of spending time together or if you plan an extravagant party for him, show your dad love and care about him on his day!

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Planning a Birthday Celebration

  1. 1
    Ask your dad what he wants to do on his birthday. See if he wants to do anything special. He may want to have a relaxing day with the family or go out and do something. Take what he says into consideration as you plan his birthday.[1]
    • If he doesn’t mention anything specific, it’s still okay to plan something fun for him!
    • Asking your dad ahead of time also shows that you haven’t forgotten his birthday and will let him know you truly care.
  2. 2
    Give your dad a relaxing day at home if he wants to unwind. For a more laid-back approach, let your dad have some down time on his birthday. Rather than him doing household chores or yard work, volunteer to do them instead so he can relax. Give him a book or his favorite movie and tell him to rest. He’ll be sure to appreciate it!
    • Light candles and keep his slippers right next to the door so he can relax immediately when he gets home.
  3. 3
    Take a trip for a milestone birthday. If your dad is turning 40 or 50, consider taking a trip together to celebrate his milestone! Think about where your dad has always wanted to visit. Whether you get there by car or plane, surprise him on his birthday with tickets or a hint of where you’re going!
    • Take a day trip in the car somewhere nearby if you only have the day to spend together.
    • Plan the trip in advance of his birthday, especially if you’re going for a prolonged period of time. Remember you and your dad will have to request off for work and places to stay.
  4. 4
    Organize a surprise party for an unexpected celebration. Who doesn’t like a good surprise? Communicate with your family and friends to help prepare the event. Make different plans with your dad on the day of the party to lure him into the surprise. If everyone has kept quiet about the party, he’ll have no idea it’s coming![2]
    • If your dad’s birthday falls on a weekday, plan the party for the weekend after since more people are available then.
    • If you throw a surprise party on a different day, still plan on doing something special with your dad on his actual birthday!
  5. 5
    Plan a dinner outing if he wants to spend time with the family. For a more formal and intimate event, have relatives you’re close with come enjoy dinner as a family. You can eat in or go out to your dad’s favorite restaurant. Have fun conversations and share loving memories about your dad.
    • If you’re out to eat, don’t forget to tell the wait staff that it’s your dad’s birthday. They may come sing and celebrate or they could bring out desserts!
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making His Birthday Special

  1. 1
    Wake your dad up with breakfast in bed. Get up early enough to prepare food and surprise your dad while he’s still in bed. Make him his favorite meal and put some extra effort into it. If he usually has eggs, make them into the eyes of a smiley face and make a smile out of bacon. If he eats oatmeal, put extra goodies in it like fruit with sugar and cinnamon.[3]
    • Don’t forget to wish him a happy birthday right away.
  2. 2
    Surprise him at work around lunchtime if you’re able. If it’s a weekday and your dad has to work, bring a lunch to his place of business and spend time with him. Go when he has a lunch break so you aren’t interrupting his work or distracting his coworkers.
    • Ask a family member to take you if you need help getting there.
  3. 3
    Decorate before he gets home. Hang streamers and blow up balloons to fill your house with color and celebration. Purchase a happy birthday banner or make one yourself with pieces of construction paper. When he gets home, he’ll be surprised by the amount of work you’ve put in.[4]
  4. 4
    Bake his favorite cake or dessert. Either purchase a box of cake mix or make one from scratch. Decorate the cake with icing and candles once it’s finished. If his favorite dessert is a pie or something else, make that instead.[5]
    • Call your local bakery to ask for a specialty cake. Many bakeries can customize a message in the frosting for a more professional look.
  5. 5
    Play a game together. Take the time to sit down and enjoy each other in a cooperative or competitive game. It doesn’t matter whether it's a board game you both love or a video game you can play together.[6]
    • Puzzle and strategy games help promote conversation and problem-solving.
    • Don’t be too competitive. Have fun with your dad.
  6. 6
    Go for a walk with each other. Going for a long walk is a great way to spend time outdoors and to talk to your dad. Hold conversation and listen intently to show that you care about his day.[7]
    • Find a nature trail near you or walk around your neighborhood.
  7. 7
    Go out for dinner. Treat your dad to a meal at his favorite restaurant. Tell him to get whatever he wants on the menu. Let the wait staff know that it’s your dad’s birthday. You never know if they have special deals, if they’ll come out and sing to him, or if they’ll give him free dessert!
  8. 8
    Make your dad a homemade meal. Your dad probably has a favorite meal that your family makes at home. Take some time to learn and prepare the meal for him. Cooking your dad a meal will show him how much you care.[8]
    • Ask your dad to cook with you to spend time together in the kitchen.
  9. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Giving Your Dad a Gift

  1. 1
    Make him a card. Fold a piece of construction paper in half to form the basic card shape. Write a poem or a message for your dad inside in your neatest handwriting. Decorate the outside of the card with other pieces of paper, glitter glue, or a picture of your dad.[9]
    • Practice the message you plan on writing on a separate piece of paper first. That way, you can make sure the spelling is correct and you’ll know exactly what to write.
    • Find printable templates for birthday cards online.
  2. 2
    Film a birthday video for your dad. Record yourself talking about the reasons you appreciate him and wishing him a happy birthday. Do a dance, sing a song, or just do something that will make your dad smile.[10]
    • Include others in your video talking about what they love about your dad to make a commemoration for him.
    • Post the video as private on YouTube so you can view the video anywhere and at any time without posting it to the public.
  3. 3
    Listen to your dad for gift ideas. Be attentive for the months leading up to his birthday. Listen for the phrases “I wish I had…” or “I really could use...” so you have an idea of what he could use. He’ll be happy that you paid attention to what he was asking for.
    • Make sure to stay aware of his purchases up until his birthday. If he needed something specific, he may have gotten it for himself.
  4. 4
    Buy him a gift based on his hobbies. If your dad likes to golf, buy him golf balls or a new club. If you and your father enjoy doing a certain hobby together, buy him something that you both can use.[11]
    • If your dad is a handyman, purchase him a tool he doesn’t have.
    • A new tie is a classic gift that a dad will appreciate.
  5. 5
    Take your dad to a sporting event or concert. Does your dad have a favorite sport? Does he like a specific band? Purchase 2 tickets so you can go with him to spend time together. If the event isn’t on the day of his birthday, give him the tickets as a present and tell him what you’ll be going to.[12]
    • Even if you don’t enjoy an event that your dad would like to go to, he’ll appreciate you spending time with him.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if his birthday falls on a week day and I have to go to school? How will I celebrate his birthday?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Just celebrate his birthday when you come home from school. If you have another parent, ask them to help you organize a special meal or help you make a cake. If you have a gift or card for him, give it to him then. If you see him before school, tell him "Happy Birthday" before you leave for the day.
  • Question
    What if my dad is at work after I get home from school?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can throw him a surprise party in the morning before you go to school, after he gets home from work (if you're still up), or just wait until the weekend of the next day he isn't working.
  • Question
    What if my dad is at home?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Have someone else at the house take him out for a few hours to give you the chance to get the place ready. If you need an excuse for why you're not going to, just say you have some homework that has to be done or a friend needs you for a few hours.

About This Article

Hunter Rising
Co-authored by:
wikiHow Staff Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Hunter Rising is a wikiHow Staff Writer based in Los Angeles. He has more than three years of experience writing for and working with wikiHow. Hunter holds a BFA in Entertainment Design from the University of Wisconsin - Stout and a Minor in English Writing. This article has been viewed 97,456 times.
240 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 13
Updated: November 28, 2021
Views: 97,456
Categories: Birthdays
Article SummaryX

To celebrate your Dad’s birthday, plan a celebration that makes him feel special. You could give him a relaxing day at home if he needs to unwind or take him out to dinner for a more formal event. You can also organize a surprise party with family and friends to give him an unexpected celebration. Try to make his birthday special on the actual day by doing nice things for him. For example, bring him breakfast in bed, decorate the house before he gets home from work, or bake his favorite dessert. Another important thing to think about is getting the right birthday gift for your dad. Get him a gift based on his hobbies, film him a birthday video, or make him a thoughtful card. For more ideas on celebrating your Dad’s birthday, like how to plan a trip for a milestone birthday, read on!

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