People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out but their true beauty is revealed when darkness sets in only if there is a light from within. Here is how to find that inner harmony that you desire.


  1. 1
    Find a slightly isolated location. It may be rare to find a perfect place unless you live out in the country so make the best of what you have already.
  2. 2
    Find a comfortable position. Whether you're lying down gazing at the sky or sitting up meditating, just be sure that your posture allows for correct breathing.
  3. 3
    Be at peace. If a person or non-natural sound distracts you, be happy for the occasional reality awakening. Finding yourself and connecting with the universe is beautiful, but it might become too easy to slip away from what's real.
  4. 4
    Connect with your senses. They may be of an earthly substance, but if you're using nature to accompany you in the process, this is the best way. It is a very pleasant experience when you are aware of what really exists. You will begin to realize and be thankful for the true beauty that surrounds you.
  5. 5
    Look within and accept. It's important to know who you are and to occasionally find time to walk inside the beautiful temple of love that was given to you by the eternal creator. This is not to be associated with religion. It is spirituality and it is all you need to survive, because it provides you with the essence of life.
  6. 6
    Talk to Mother Nature. The plants love the voices all around them. Tell them you are thankful to have them. Even so sing to them. They are like us in so many ways. We just don't always notice right away. Calm your thoughts and your body and embrace their beauty. Connect your soul with theirs... and you will find happiness within yourself. When you connect your soul and all your thoughts are clean and free.. you may feel energy passing through them to your soul. It can happen. Just believe in yourself. You can accomplish anything that comes your way. Ask yourself:
    • What are they in reality?
    • Who, what designed them?
    • Was it you or me?
  7. 7
    See the sky. Blue above you, with white on it and a golden globe, closing your eyes because it is to sharp to look into.
  8. 8
    Use the mind to connect. What we think are only words; they have no meaning for another, ask the bird the name of the yellow globe. And what will be his answer? In Hindi, they call the sun Surya, in Dutch Zon, yust in another. When you have a bowl with green soup, and you throw a firecracker in it, you know it did not change into tomato soup. Thus how can it be that there is all the variation on this planet, like wind lighting? We are all the same shape, even with the difficulties of understanding each other when we are together, we are still the same.
  9. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I become friends with animals too?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Be friendly with them. If you have a pet, always have time for them. Give them food and have a playtime with it. In that case, you and your pet/animal will be friends. Learn to read animal behavior and respect them.
  • Question
    I work with a spirit animal (a wolf). How do I connect with Nature?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Whether you have a connection to an animal spirit or not, you can still connect with Nature as described above. However, you can also communicate with your animal spirit and connect with Nature via your animal spirit's energies.
  • Question
    What if I am allergic to grass and plants but I want to be a part of nature? Should I risk my life in the process?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Your life is nature. Risking your life is risking nature. Take time out of your day to enjoy yourself because you are natural. If you truly love nature, you have to love yourself.


  • People may try to convince you out of spirituality. Ignore their persuasive techniques and give them hopeful insight.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 31 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 98,811 times.
147 votes - 94%
Co-authors: 31
Updated: September 9, 2022
Views: 98,811
Categories: Paranormal Magic