For most girls their lives are planned out by the hour. They have it written down in a diary or keyed into their mobile phones. They know the time and place of appointments, class, coffee catch ups, work schedules and so on... But for that Saturday night when you’ve scheduled to sit on the couch and watch movies and your best friend suddenly calls and says, “I need you to come out with me tonight, no excuses!”, because the guy she has been stalking for the last three weeks is going to be at the same club she’s heading to. And you start to stress as you haven’t pre-planned what to wear and your hair is a muck. But no need to fear—here are a few simple steps to quickly get yourself ready for an unexpected party night.


  1. 1
    Get dressed - Always have a L.B.D. (Little Black Dress) in your wardrobe. Every girl should have a LBD in their closet in case of an emergency. Try your best to pick a dress that is simple yet classy. Just above the knee is a good length because then it’s short enough for a nightclub outfit but also long enough for a more formal occasion.
  2. 2
    Find a pair of shoes to wear. Thanks to the versatility of the L.B.D. you can now choose any pair of comfortable heels to wear, as pretty much anything goes with an L.B.D..
  3. 3
    Apply your makeup. As most girls do, you’ll immediately look in the mirror and go... “Yuck!” Well, that’s why beauty companies such as Revlon, Cover Girl and M.A.C exist. You don’t have much time, so tonight is not the night to be adventurous with make-up. Shown below is a simple (and quick) make-up option:
    • Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Lightly moisturize, but be careful not to put on too much moisturizer or your foundation will appear shiny.
    • Cover red marks or any other blemishes with concealer.
    • Apply foundation as usual.
    • Using an eye brush, lightly apply bronzer to your eyelids. This will give a bit more color.
    • Lightly bronze the cheeks.
    • Apply two thick coats of mascara.
    • Apply a clear or light-colored lip gloss.
  4. 4
    Fix your hair. This part may be every girl's worst nightmare! Most of the time, when we go out, we freshly wash our hair, blow dry it, and straighten it. But tonight you don’t have time for all of that. To do your hair quickly, follow these steps:
    • Get a salt spray. Salt spray can be purchased from Priceline and other hair places. If you don’t have salt spray, a light hair spray will do the trick.
    • Tip your head upside down and vigorously spray on and underneath your hair. Flip your head back up and using your hands scrunch your hair, especially at the roots.
    • If your hair is looking a little oily, get some talcum powder and lightly dust your hair at the roots. This will absorb the oil.
    • If your hair is lacking height, give it a good tease. otherwise use a headband and push back your hair.
    • If you’ve got long hair, pull it up into a messy bun.
  5. 5
    Cover your legs. If your legs are a little hairy, don’t panic. Stockings were invented with good reason. Find a pair of hole-free stockings (preferably neutral colored) and put them on.
  6. 6
    Choose a bag. Now you’ve got your outfit, shoes, makeup, hair and legs ready, it’s time to choose a bag. Since what you’re wearing is a L.B.D., almost any bag will match. Pick one that you think will look the best.
  7. 7
    Finished. Double-check that you have your I.D. card, keys, your mobile phone, and other stuff you may need or want to bring. Once that’s done, you are all set and ready to go!
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Things You'll Need

  • Little black dress
  • Shoes
  • Makeup
  • Stockings
  • Handbag

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 57,501 times.
87 votes - 65%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 57,501