Obtaining a permit to work in the United Kingdom can be complicated. There are multiple permit types, called Tiers, that each have their own sub-categories. The most common kinds of work permits, however, have a relatively straightforward application procedure. Whether you are applying for a long-term general work permit or a temporary work permit, you will need to meet the basic qualifications, get sponsorship from an employer or government, and take a test before you can apply for your permit. Once you have accomplished these requirements, all you have to do is fill out an application online and pay the fee.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Getting a General Work Permit

  1. 1
    Meet the basic qualifications. You will need to have a valid passport from your country of origin, your birth certificate, proof of qualifications and references, copies of any previous work permits, and your entry visa.[1] You must also have one of the following: criteria:[2]
    • A UK degree-level qualification. This is essentially a degree from an accredited university or college.[3]
    • A Higher National Diploma qualification that relates to the work you are seeking.
    • A Higher National Diploma that doesn’t related to your employment with one year of full-time work experience that is relevant to your potential employment.
    • A minimum of 3 years of experience using skills that apply to the position you are seeking.
  2. 2
    Find an employer to sponsor you. Look online for positions open to foreign workers. Your potential employer must first have an Employer Sponsorship License that allows them to hire foreign workers. The employer must issue you a certificate of sponsorship that details the position you are being offered and how much you will be paid for your work.[4]
    • Your employer will need to advertise for the position and try to get an employee from within the European Economic Area (EEA) before they can sponsor a non-EAA worker. The employer does not have to advertise if the position is on the Shortage Occupation List found here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-appendix-k-shortage-occupation-list
    • Once your potential employer has issued their certificate of sponsorship, you must apply for your work permit within 3 months.[5]
  3. 3
    Take the Tier 2 points-based eligibility test. You can take an unofficial test online to see if you can meet the 75 point score minimum. To gain points on the test, you will have to meet certain criteria. For example, having a valid certificate of sponsorship is worth 30 points.[6] For an official test, you must choose from the list of approved tests and providers.
    • You can find the list of approved test providers on the United Kingdom’s work visa guidance webpage at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-applying-for-uk-visa-approved-english-language-tests
    • You will earn points on this test by meeting certain criteria. Knowledge of the English language is a major and mandatory component of passing the points-based test.[7]
    • The other mandatory requirement of the test is that the applicant must have sufficient funds available to help them settle in the United Kingdom. You must provide a statement from a bank where you have an account with at least £945. If you have a fully approved sponsor who will cover this cost for a month, the requirement is waived.[8]
  4. 4
    Apply for the Tier 2 work permit. You can only apply for your Tier 2 work permit online. Make sure you have your personal documentation, your employer’s certificate of sponsorship, and proof that you meet the mandatory requirements of the points-based test. You can begin your application here: https://visas-immigration.service.gov.uk/apply-visa-type/tier2
    • Additionally, you will need to have your fingerprints and photograph taken at a visa application center.
    • You will have to pay the healthcare surcharge and other potential fees as part of your application. You can calculate how much you will need to pay by using the test found here: https://www.immigration-health-surcharge.service.gov.uk/checker/type
    • Some positions will require that you also receive a criminal record certificate before you apply. The most common jobs that require a criminal record certificate are in education, healthcare, and social services.[9]
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Obtaining a Temporary Work Permit

  1. 1
    Determine which worker category applies to you. Temporary workers fall under the Tier 5 work visa. The most common Tier 5 categories are:
    • Charity workers.
    • Creative and sporting workers.
    • Religious workers.
    • Workers employed through government exchanges or international agreements.
    • Young people sponsored by their home government taking part in the Youth Mobility Scheme.
  2. 2
    Have a licensed sponsor issue a certificate of sponsorship. Your potential employer must first have an Employer Sponsorship License that allows them to hire foreign workers. The employer must issue you a certificate of sponsorship that details the position you are being offered and how much you will be paid for your work, and how long you expect to stay in the United Kingdom.[10]
    • The most common employers who are able to issue certificates of sponsorship for Tier 5 work permits are organizations running approved exchange programs, institutions of higher education, and government departments and agencies.[11]
    • Most licensed sponsors will issue a certificate of sponsorship that allows the worker to stay in the UK for up to 24 months, but the time you are granted will ultimately depend on how long the employer requests your services.
  3. 3
    Take the Tier 5 points-based eligibility test. You will need to score a minimum of 50 points on the points assessment. Demonstrated competence with the English language and proof of a minimum of £1,600 in your personal bank account are mandatory components of the points-based test.
  4. 4
    Apply for your Tier 5 work permit. The application for a Tier 5 work permit is only available online. You will need to have your personal documentation,proof that you meet the mandatory requirements of the points-based test, and your employer’s certificate of sponsorship. You can start your application by selecting which Tier 5 permit fits your position here: https://www.gov.uk/browse/visas-immigration/work-visas
  5. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I persuade a UK employer I am worth employing as an outsider?
    Kolby Goodman
    Kolby Goodman
    Career & Job Search Coach
    Kolby Goodman is a Career & Job Search Coach and the Founder of The Job Huntr. With over eight years of experience, he specializes in resume edits, interview preparation, LinkedIn profile feedback, and professional interview coaching. Additionally, his career advice has been featured in publications such as The Huffington Post. Kolby holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from San Diego State University.
    Kolby Goodman
    Career & Job Search Coach
    Expert Answer
    It is crucial that your value add to the company based on your experience, skill set, and expertise overshadows the time, energy, and potential monetary investment it will cost the employer to go through the bureaucratic hoops to employ you. Make an honest assessment of your value add before deciding to seek this opportunity and if you really are likely to be a major asset, then it may be worthwhile for both of you.


  • No matter what type of work permit you are applying for, you will need to clear a tuberculosis test and provide documentation of the test results.[12]

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Co-authors: 2
Updated: January 13, 2021
Views: 37,584
Categories: Work World