Fiji is an ideal vacation location. The group of islands offers fabulous beaches, lovely weather, and top resorts. What could be better? The only problem is that due to its somewhat remote local, Fiji can be hard to reach. It is in the heart of the South Pacific, and it can be tricky (and expensive) to find flights that are convenient for you. However, there are several steps you can take to make it to Fiji and have a wonderful time.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Booking Your Transportation

  1. 1
    Price flights. You will almost certainly travel by air to reach Fiji. Your flight will likely be one of the major expenses of your trip, and it will also likely be a rather lengthy flight. Take some time to compare prices and distances and find the flight that is right for you.[1] [2]
    • If you are flying from the U.S., there is a direct flight from Los Angeles to Fiji, which is about 10 hours long. Traveling to LA might be a good way to start your trip.
    • Unless you live near LA, you will likely have to fly there from somewhere else to reach Fiji.
    • Nadi International Airport is your destination in Fiji. Many people connect through New Zealand, which is a 3 hour flight away, or Australia, 4 hours away.
    • The airport code for Nadi International Airport is NAD. Airlines that have regular flights to NAD are Air New Zealand, Air Pacific, and Qantas Airways.
    • Use a travel website to compare flight distances and prices. Many sites such as kayak and trivago will allow you to easily compare.
  2. 2
    Consider the time difference. You might have experienced jet lag when traveling before. This often occurs when you travel in different time zones. When traveling to Fiji, it is even more important than usual to be aware of the differences between your home time zone and Fijian time.[3]
    • When you travel to Fiji from the U.S., you will be crossing the international date line. This means that you will literally be arriving on a different date than when you left home.
    • Take this into account when planning your arrival and departure dates. You might also want to schedule a day or two to readjust to "real time" when you return home.
  3. 3
    Travel to the outer islands. You will likely arrive in Fiji by traveling to NAD, which is located on the main island of Vitu Levu. If you wish to explore any of Fiji's outer islands, you will need to arrange for additional travel. Sea plane is the most popular way to travel between islands.[4]
    • You should book your sea plane tickets prior to your arrival in Fiji. These planes are very small and tickets tend to sell out.
    • Some of the airlines that provide inter island travel are Turtle Airways, Air Fiji, and Pacific Sun. You can contact these airlines to learn about pricing and schedules.
    • It is possible to hire a private helicopter to travel between islands. This will be much more expensive than traveling via sea plane.
  4. 4
    Travel by boat. If Fiji is your sole destination, it is most efficient to travel by plane. However, if you are interested in exploring more of the region, a boat trip might be perfect for your trip. Many cruise lines offer stops in Fiji.[5]
    • Consider taking a cruise through the South Pacific. There are many cruise lines the debark from Sydney, Australia. Check out South Sea Cruises and Blue Lagoon Cruises.
    • Check with the cruise line to verify the itinerary before booking. You'll want to make sure that the ship actually docks in Fiji and that you will have the opportunity to get off the ship and explore.
    • If you have a large travel budget, consider chartering a yacht. Sailing from Australia to Fiji is a popular vacation option. Make sure to book through a reputable company.
  5. 5
    Determine your travel purpose. When you begin dreaming of taking a vacation to Fiji, one of your first steps is to figure out why you want to go there. Fiji offers something for everyone, so there are a lot of options to think about. For example, maybe you want to plan a luxurious, romantic getaway.
    • Figuring out why you want to go to Fiji will make it easier to plan the rest of your trip. For instance, if you want to travel for an adventure in nature, you will want to make a plan to visit some of the more remote islands.
    • Maybe you are looking to take your family on a fabulous tropical trip. Fiji offers great options for families, but you'll want to make sure to take children into account when booking travel. Usually the shortest flights are best for children.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Planning the Logistics

  1. 1
    Gather your documents. To travel to any foreign country, you need the proper government issued documents. In order to enter Fiji, you will need your U.S. passport. The expiration date must be at least 6 months after your departure from Fiji.[6]
    • If you do not have a valid passport, you can apply for one at a post office near you. You will need to provide identification such as a birth certificate and photo i.d.
    • Be aware that it can take several weeks or even months to receive your passport. You should also be prepared to pay approximately $100 for the document.
    • You do not need a travel visa to enter Fiji if you are staying for less than four months. If you plan to stay longer, you can contact the Fijian embassy in Washington, D.C. to learn about the requirements.
  2. 2
    Search for hotels. After your long flight, you will likely be excited to relax at your hotel. Make sure to devote some time to finding the hotel that will best suit your needs. It should reflect your travel style and your budget.[7]
    • When searching for hotels, you should consult reviews. Websites such as Trip Advisor rate hotels and tell you what to expect in terms of the rooms and location.
    • Pay attention to amenities offered at each of the hotels that you research. Maybe you like the price of one, but it is lacking the private beach that you want. Take your priorities into consideration during your hotel hunt.
    • Use a travel site such as priceline to help you compare prices. Then read reviews of the hotels that you are considering.
    • Take into account how close the hotel is to Nadi Airport. You may have to travel by sea plane to get to your resort.
  3. 3
    Do your research. Anytime you are traveling to a foreign country, it is a good idea to gather some background information on the place you are traveling. There are likely to be some cultural differences that you should be aware of. For example, in Fiji, it is important that you dress very modestly whenever you are away from your resort.[8]
    • If you venture away from the resort, you may wish to visit a Fijian village. Take care not to wear a hat, as it is considered insulting to the chief of the village.
    • You should also research the weather. Although it is generally very warm, it is cooler in the months from May to November. You might want to pack some light layers for the evenings.
    • Try to learn a little bit about local customs before you arrive. For example, bargaining is traditional in Fijian culture. Be prepared to negotiate the price of goods if you shop at local markets.
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Creating a Budget

  1. 1
    Consider your travel style. When you are planning any major trip, it's a good idea to take your travel personality into consideration. Are you a low-key anything goes type of person? Or do you like to have every aspect of your trip planned well in advance? When you are traveling to Fiji, you can tailor the trip to match your priorities.[9]
    • Think about your financial situation when determining your travel style. You should determine at the outset whether you want to be a budget-minded traveler or whether you are seeking the ultimate luxury experience.
    • When planning your trip, you should consider whether you are an adventurous or cautious traveler. Are you willing to be spontaneous? Are you an adrenaline junkie? These are things to take into account at the outset of planning.
  2. 2
    Choose an agenda. You don't have to plan every moment of your trip before you get there. But thinking about some potential activities can help make planning the logistics of your trip easier. For example, if you want to explore more than one island, you'll want to budget for additional travel.
    • If you have a specific reason for traveling to Fiji, you definitely want to plan a tentative agenda. Many people choose Fiji for a destination wedding. If that's the case, create a list of possible activities to give to your guests.
    • If you are planning a family vacation, you will want to make sure that you choose a resort that has activities for the kids. You might even consider one that offers onsite childcare.
    • Some people do get the opportunity to travel to Fiji for work. If you are fortunate enough to be attending a conference there, plan your stay to accommodate for both work and play.
  3. 3
    List all of your travel expenses. When planning a major trip, a budget is crucial if you are watching your finances. Before you travel, make a list of all possible expenditures. You will obviously want to start by accounting for the major expenses, such as airfare and lodging.
    • Include other travel expenses, such as how you will get to the airport. If you will be taking a taxi or shuttle, include that cost. If you drive, include the cost of airport parking.
    • Try to estimate how much you will spend on food and drink. Fiji does have some all-inclusive resorts, which can make budgeting much easier.
    • Think about the activities you want to do. For example, if you are planning to take a cruise around the islands, you should account for that cost.
    • Set aside some money for an emergency fund. It is always a good idea to have some backup money, especially when traveling internationally.
  4. 4
    Make a timeline. Traveling to Fiji can be pretty expensive. It's okay if you don't have the funds to travel there tomorrow. Once you've figured out your travel budget, you can make a timeline for saving the money.[10]
    • Set reasonable goals. Don't set yourself up for failure by pledging to save an unreasonable amount of money each week.
    • Begin planning your trip as far in advance as possible. This will give you the time you need to make your vacation debt-free.
    • You could even consult with a travel agent to find out when airfares are typically the lowest. Consider making this part of your budget-making process.
  5. 5
    Find affordable options. After you make a comprehensive budget, you might realize that this trip will cost more than you originally anticipated. Don't despair. You can now go back and look for some more budget-friendly options.[11]
    • Consider planning your trip during the off-season of May-November. It will still be lovely, but less expensive.
    • Consider all lodging options. Maybe you have your heart set on a luxury resort, but can't afford it. Think about staying there for part of your stay, and finding a more budget friendly option for the remainder.
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Updated: April 29, 2021
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Categories: Travel