Global warming is a big problem, but that doesn't mean kids like you can't help! Kids can actually make a really big impact when it comes to climate change. We'll walk you through easy changes you can make to be more energy-efficient, then get into some cool stuff you can do to raise awareness about global warming.


Drink tap water instead of bottled water.


Turn off lights and unplug devices.

  1. Electronics keep using energy when they're plugged in. Devices with remotes, like TVs and gaming consoles, are always using power—even when they’re off! To avoid wasting energy, unplug electronics when you aren't using them. Another easy solution: plug your devices into a power strip with an on/off switch and hit the "off" switch when you leave the room or your home.[4] You can also:
    • Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
    • Adjust your screens/monitors to automatically power down.
    • Unplug electronic devices (and their charging docks) after charging them.[5]
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Walk and bike more often.

  1. Cars are one of the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. "Greenhouse gases" are gases that block heat from escaping the planet, which makes the planet too warm. If you’re going somewhere close, walk or ride your bike instead of getting your parents to drop you off.[9] If it’s too far to walk or bike, take the city bus or train.[10] You can also:
    • Carpool to school and events with your friends.
    • Go shopping and run errands in the same trip instead of individual trips.[11]
    • Talk to your parents about buying a hybrid or electric car.[12]

Recycle or reuse items instead of trashing them.

  1. Generating less trash saves energy and prevents overflowing landfills. Talk to your parents about taking advantage of your local or city recycling program so paper, plastic, newspaper, glass, and aluminum cans don’t end up in landfills. When buying new stuff, look for products with zero waste or eco-friendly packaging.[13] [14] Try these strategies, too:
    • Bring reusable grocery bags to the store.
    • Reuse plastic food containers.
    • Shop in thrift stores instead of buying new stuff.
    • Donate clothes to thrift shops when you outgrow them.
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Share information about global warming on social media.

  1. Social media makes it easy for you to reach a lot of people at once! Share articles, links, and infographics with your friends and followers to educate them about climate change. Encourage reposting so you can reach as many people as possible. You can also use social media to connect with other kids who are interested in helping the environment.[21]
    • For example, check out youth-led environmental groups on Facebook.
    • Be sure to use environment-related hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. For example: #environment, #sustainability, #climatechange, #ecofriendly, #savetheplanet

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How could we reduce global warming at home?
    Kathryn Kellogg
    Kathryn Kellogg
    Sustainability Specialist
    Kathryn Kellogg is the founder of, a lifestyle website dedicated to breaking eco-friendly living down into a simple step-by-step process with lots of positivity and love. She's the author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste and spokesperson for plastic-free living for National Geographic.
    Kathryn Kellogg
    Sustainability Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Talk to your parents about switching to water-efficient fixtures. Also, if it's dark at home, open curtains to let in natural light so you don't have to turn any lights on.
  • Question
    What can youth do to protect the environment?
    Kathryn Kellogg
    Kathryn Kellogg
    Sustainability Specialist
    Kathryn Kellogg is the founder of, a lifestyle website dedicated to breaking eco-friendly living down into a simple step-by-step process with lots of positivity and love. She's the author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste and spokesperson for plastic-free living for National Geographic.
    Kathryn Kellogg
    Sustainability Specialist
    Expert Answer
    If you're able to, walk or bike to nearby places rather than getting a ride to help reduce greenhouse gases.
  • Question
    I'm a really shy person. When I try to help, my word only goes so far. How can I get a voice in my community?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Shy people often feel more comfortable speaking freely on social media, so try sharing news articles and tips on preventing global warming with your friends/followers on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

About This Article

Kathryn Kellogg
Co-authored by:
Sustainability Specialist
This article was co-authored by Kathryn Kellogg and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain. Kathryn Kellogg is the founder of, a lifestyle website dedicated to breaking eco-friendly living down into a simple step-by-step process with lots of positivity and love. She's the author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste and spokesperson for plastic-free living for National Geographic. This article has been viewed 128,835 times.
41 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 48
Updated: February 27, 2023
Views: 128,835
Article SummaryX

You can reduce global warming at any age by making sure you unplug electronic devices when you aren’t using them, so you can conserve electricity! While you’re at it, try to cut back on the time you spend using electronics every day. Instead, do activities that don’t require electricity, such as playing sports, playing a board game, or having friends over. On top of that, cut down on your waste by recycling, reusing items such as by thrifting or upcycling, and limiting your use of paper and plastic bottles. For more tips, like how to reduce your carbon footprint, keep reading!

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